diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2016-08-05 06:28:23 +0200
committerRemi Collet <>2016-08-05 06:28:23 +0200
commit237abc81924e073452ebf6adb34e965d3704bf35 (patch)
parentd1344dbf540bf99e15250ce7a6687f741cbeeee9 (diff)
php-ast: 0.1.2
3 files changed, 21 insertions, 283 deletions
index 9174895..acb441b 100644
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
+Extension [ <persistent> extension #75 ast version 0.1.2 ] {
- - Constants [180] {
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_FUNC_DECL ] { 66 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE ] { 67 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_METHOD ] { 68 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLASS ] { 69 }
+ - Constants [187] {
Constant [ integer ast\AST_ARG_LIST ] { 128 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_LIST ] { 129 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_ARRAY ] { 130 }
@@ -22,6 +18,13 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
Constant [ integer ast\AST_NAME_LIST ] { 142 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRAIT_ADAPTATIONS ] { 143 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_USE ] { 144 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_NAME ] { 2048 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE_VAR ] { 2049 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_NULLABLE_TYPE ] { 2050 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_FUNC_DECL ] { 66 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE ] { 67 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_METHOD ] { 68 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLASS ] { 69 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_MAGIC_CONST ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_TYPE ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_VAR ] { 256 }
@@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
Constant [ integer ast\AST_SWITCH ] { 534 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_SWITCH_CASE ] { 535 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_DECLARE ] { 536 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\AST_PROP_ELEM ] { 774 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_CONST_ELEM ] { 537 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_USE_TRAIT ] { 538 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRAIT_PRECEDENCE ] { 539 }
@@ -94,11 +98,8 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRY ] { 771 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_CATCH ] { 772 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_PARAM ] { 773 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PROP_ELEM ] { 774 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_FOR ] { 1024 }
Constant [ integer ast\AST_FOREACH ] { 1025 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_NAME ] { 2048 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE_VAR ] { 2049 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\NAME_FQ ] { 0 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ ] { 1 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\NAME_RELATIVE ] { 2 }
@@ -124,6 +125,8 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_ARRAY ] { 7 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_OBJECT ] { 8 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_CALLABLE ] { 14 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_VOID ] { 18 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_ITERABLE ] { 19 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_BOOL_NOT ] { 13 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_BITWISE_NOT ] { 12 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_SILENCE ] { 260 }
@@ -153,6 +156,7 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_GREATER ] { 256 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL ] { 257 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_SPACESHIP ] { 170 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_COALESCE ] { 260 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_BITWISE_OR ] { 31 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_BITWISE_AND ] { 32 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_BITWISE_XOR ] { 33 }
@@ -181,6 +185,9 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #56 ast version 0.1.1 ] {
Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_METHOD ] { 375 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_CLASS ] { 373 }
Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_TRAIT ] { 374 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\flags\ARRAY_SYNTAX_LIST ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\flags\ARRAY_SYNTAX_LONG ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ integer ast\flags\ARRAY_SYNTAX_SHORT ] { 3 }
- Functions {
deleted file mode 100644
index 418e41f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-Extension [ <persistent> extension #46 ast version 0.1.2-dev ] {
- - Constants [182] {
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_FUNC_DECL ] { 66 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE ] { 67 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_METHOD ] { 68 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLASS ] { 69 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ARG_LIST ] { 128 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_LIST ] { 255 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ARRAY ] { 129 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ENCAPS_LIST ] { 130 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_EXPR_LIST ] { 131 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_STMT_LIST ] { 132 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_IF ] { 133 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_SWITCH_LIST ] { 134 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CATCH_LIST ] { 135 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PARAM_LIST ] { 136 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE_USES ] { 137 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PROP_DECL ] { 138 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CONST_DECL ] { 139 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLASS_CONST_DECL ] { 140 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_NAME_LIST ] { 141 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRAIT_ADAPTATIONS ] { 142 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_USE ] { 143 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_MAGIC_CONST ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_TYPE ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_VAR ] { 256 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CONST ] { 257 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_UNPACK ] { 258 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_UNARY_PLUS ] { 259 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_UNARY_MINUS ] { 260 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CAST ] { 261 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_EMPTY ] { 262 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ISSET ] { 263 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_SILENCE ] { 264 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_SHELL_EXEC ] { 265 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLONE ] { 266 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_EXIT ] { 267 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PRINT ] { 268 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL ] { 269 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_UNARY_OP ] { 270 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PRE_INC ] { 271 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PRE_DEC ] { 272 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_POST_INC ] { 273 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_POST_DEC ] { 274 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_YIELD_FROM ] { 275 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_GLOBAL ] { 276 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_UNSET ] { 277 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_RETURN ] { 278 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_LABEL ] { 279 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_REF ] { 280 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_HALT_COMPILER ] { 281 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ECHO ] { 282 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_THROW ] { 283 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_GOTO ] { 284 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_BREAK ] { 285 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CONTINUE ] { 286 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_DIM ] { 512 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PROP ] { 513 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_STATIC_PROP ] { 514 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CALL ] { 515 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLASS_CONST ] { 516 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ASSIGN ] { 517 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ASSIGN_REF ] { 518 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ASSIGN_OP ] { 519 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_BINARY_OP ] { 520 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_GREATER ] { 521 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_GREATER_EQUAL ] { 522 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_AND ] { 523 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_OR ] { 524 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_ARRAY_ELEM ] { 525 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_NEW ] { 526 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_INSTANCEOF ] { 527 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_YIELD ] { 528 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_COALESCE ] { 529 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_STATIC ] { 530 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_WHILE ] { 531 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_DO_WHILE ] { 532 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_IF_ELEM ] { 533 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_SWITCH ] { 534 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_SWITCH_CASE ] { 535 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_DECLARE ] { 536 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CONST_ELEM ] { 775 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_USE_TRAIT ] { 537 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRAIT_PRECEDENCE ] { 538 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_METHOD_REFERENCE ] { 539 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_NAMESPACE ] { 540 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_USE_ELEM ] { 541 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRAIT_ALIAS ] { 542 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_GROUP_USE ] { 543 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_METHOD_CALL ] { 768 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_STATIC_CALL ] { 769 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CONDITIONAL ] { 770 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_TRY ] { 771 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CATCH ] { 772 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PARAM ] { 773 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_PROP_ELEM ] { 774 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_FOR ] { 1024 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_FOREACH ] { 1025 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_NAME ] { 2048 }
- Constant [ integer ast\AST_CLOSURE_VAR ] { 2049 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\NAME_FQ ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\NAME_RELATIVE ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MODIFIER_PUBLIC ] { 256 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MODIFIER_PROTECTED ] { 512 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MODIFIER_PRIVATE ] { 1024 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MODIFIER_STATIC ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MODIFIER_ABSTRACT ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MODIFIER_FINAL ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\RETURNS_REF ] { 67108864 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\CLASS_ABSTRACT ] { 32 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\CLASS_FINAL ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\CLASS_TRAIT ] { 128 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\CLASS_INTERFACE ] { 64 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\CLASS_ANONYMOUS ] { 256 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\PARAM_REF ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\PARAM_VARIADIC ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_NULL ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_BOOL ] { 13 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_LONG ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_DOUBLE ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_STRING ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_ARRAY ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_OBJECT ] { 8 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_CALLABLE ] { 14 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\TYPE_VOID ] { 18 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_BOOL_NOT ] { 13 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_BITWISE_NOT ] { 12 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_SILENCE ] { 260 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_PLUS ] { 261 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\UNARY_MINUS ] { 262 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_BOOL_AND ] { 259 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_BOOL_OR ] { 258 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_BOOL_XOR ] { 14 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_BITWISE_OR ] { 9 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_BITWISE_AND ] { 10 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_BITWISE_XOR ] { 11 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_CONCAT ] { 8 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_ADD ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_SUB ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_MUL ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_DIV ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_MOD ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_POW ] { 166 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_SHIFT_LEFT ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_SHIFT_RIGHT ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_IDENTICAL ] { 15 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL ] { 16 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_EQUAL ] { 17 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_NOT_EQUAL ] { 18 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_SMALLER ] { 19 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL ] { 20 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_GREATER ] { 256 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL ] { 257 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_SPACESHIP ] { 170 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\BINARY_COALESCE ] { 260 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_BITWISE_OR ] { 31 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_BITWISE_AND ] { 32 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_BITWISE_XOR ] { 33 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_CONCAT ] { 30 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_ADD ] { 23 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_SUB ] { 24 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_MUL ] { 25 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_DIV ] { 26 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_MOD ] { 27 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_POW ] { 167 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT ] { 28 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT ] { 29 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\EXEC_EVAL ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\EXEC_INCLUDE ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\EXEC_INCLUDE_ONCE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\EXEC_REQUIRE ] { 8 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\EXEC_REQUIRE_ONCE ] { 16 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\USE_NORMAL ] { 361 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\USE_FUNCTION ] { 346 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\USE_CONST ] { 347 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_LINE ] { 370 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_FILE ] { 371 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_DIR ] { 372 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_NAMESPACE ] { 389 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_FUNCTION ] { 376 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_METHOD ] { 375 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_CLASS ] { 373 }
- Constant [ integer ast\flags\MAGIC_TRAIT ] { 374 }
- }
- - Functions {
- Function [ <internal:ast> function ast\parse_file ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $filename ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $version ]
- }
- }
- Function [ <internal:ast> function ast\parse_code ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $code ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $version ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $filename ]
- }
- }
- Function [ <internal:ast> function ast\get_kind_name ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $kind ]
- }
- }
- Function [ <internal:ast> function ast\kind_uses_flags ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $kind ]
- }
- }
- }
- - Classes [2] {
- Class [ <internal:ast> class ast\Node ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [4] {
- Property [ <default> public $kind ]
- Property [ <default> public $flags ]
- Property [ <default> public $lineno ]
- Property [ <default> public $children ]
- }
- - Methods [0] {
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:ast> class ast\Node\Decl extends ast\Node ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [7] {
- Property [ <default> public $kind ]
- Property [ <default> public $flags ]
- Property [ <default> public $lineno ]
- Property [ <default> public $children ]
- Property [ <default> public $endLineno ]
- Property [ <default> public $name ]
- Property [ <default> public $docComment ]
- }
- - Methods [0] {
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/php-ast.spec b/php-ast.spec
index 2521709..5afce72 100644
--- a/php-ast.spec
+++ b/php-ast.spec
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
%{?scl: %scl_package php-ast}
-%global gh_commit b8f5805b17c43c664dda62d1f401a7d3379be9f3
+%global gh_commit abfef40846cb5454dafa1808769fde851ba8dd70
%global gh_short %(c=%{gh_commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
%global gh_owner nikic
%global gh_project php-ast
-%global gh_date 20160608
+#global gh_date 20160608
%global pecl_name ast
%global with_zts 0%{!?_without_zts:%{?__ztsphp:1}}
# After 20-tokenizer.ini
@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ Obsoletes: php71w-%{pecl_name} <= %{version}
This extension exposes the abstract syntax tree generated by PHP 7.
-This extension is experimental and the representation of the syntax tree is not final.
Package built for PHP %(%{__php} -r 'echo PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.".".PHP_MINOR_VERSION;')%{?scl: as Software Collection (%{scl} by %{?scl_vendor}%{!?scl_vendor:rh})}.
@@ -70,9 +68,6 @@ mv %{gh_project}-%{gh_commit} NTS
cd NTS
-# When this file is removed, fix description
-[ -f EXPERIMENTAL ] || exit 1
# Sanity check, really often broken
extver=$(sed -n '/#define PHP_AST_VERSION/{s/.* "//;s/".*$//;p}' php_ast.h)
if test "x${extver}" != "x%{version}%{?gh_date:-dev}"; then
@@ -178,6 +173,9 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Fri Aug 5 2016 Remi Collet <> - 0.1.2-1
+- update to 0.1.2
* Fri Jun 10 2016 Remi Collet <> - 0.1.2-0.1.20160608gitb8f5805
- update to 0.1.2-dev for PHP 7.1