path: root/index.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'index.php')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a6663
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ <head>
+ <title>Packages in Fedora</title>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="">
+ <style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ @import url("");
+ @import url("");
+ @import url("");
+body {
+ background-image:none;
+.error {
+ background:url( no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 21px;
+ {
+ background:url( no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 21px;
+.attn {
+ background:url( no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 21px;
+.check {
+ background:url( no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 21px;
+.cpan {
+ background:url( no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 18px;
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+ background:url(/img/rt.png) no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 18px;
+ {
+ background:url(/img/bz.png) no-repeat left;
+ padding-left: 18px;
+require "";
+try {
+ $db = new PDO ("mysql:dbname=" . MYBASE . ";host=" . MYHOST, MYUSER, MYPASS);
+ </style>
+ <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">
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+ <div id="fedora-content">
+ <!-- document BEGIN -->
+ <h1>Packages in Fedora repositories</h1>
+ <h2>Package reports</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href='rpm.php?type=pecl'>PECL Extensions in Fedora</a> with upstream information</li>
+ <li><a href='rpm.php?type=pear'>PEAR Extensions in Fedora</a> with upstream information</li>
+ <li><a href='rpm.php?type=R'>R Extensions in Fedora</a> with upstream information</li>
+ <li><a href='all.php'>All Packages in Fedora</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Analysed repositories</h2>
+ echo "<table id='fedora-list-packages'>\n";
+ echo "<tr class='odd'><th>Main</th><th>Active</th><th>Sub<th>Url</th><th>Last update</th></tr>\n";
+ $sql='SELECT * FROM repo ORDER BY ID';
+ $res=$db->query($sql);
+ if ($res) for ($i=0, $prev="xx" ; $repo=$res->fetchObject() ; $i++, $prev=$repo->main) {
+ printf ("<tr class='%s'><td><strong>%s</strong></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><a href='%srepoview/' alt='Repoview'>%s</a></td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
+ ($i%2 ? 'odd' : 'even'),
+ ($repo->main != $prev ? $repo->main : "&nbsp;"),
+ ($repo->main != $prev ? ($repo->active ? "<strong>Yes</strong>" : "no") : "&nbsp;"),
+ $repo->sub, $repo->url, $repo->url, date("r", $repo->stamp));
+ }
+ echo "</table>\n";
+catch(PDOException $e) {
+ printf("%s ERREUR : %s\n", date("r"), $e->getMessage());
+<h2>Script sources</h2>
+<table id='fedora-list-packages'><tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th><th>Date</th></tr>
+ $pages=array(
+ "index.php" => "This page",
+ "all.php" => "All Packages in Fedora",
+ "rpm.php" => "PHP Extensions in Fedora",
+ "refresh.php" => "The metadata refresh script launch twice a day by cron",
+ "zoom.php" => "Package detail");
+ $i=0;
+ foreach ($pages as $page => $name) if (is_file($page) && is_link($page."s")) {
+ $stat=stat($page);
+ printf ("<tr class='%s'><td><a href='%ss'>%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
+ ($i%2 ? 'odd' : 'even'), $page, $page, $name, date("r", $stat["mtime"]));
+ $i++;
+ }
+<p>Any feedback, RFE and patches are welcome.</p>
+ <!-- document END -->
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+ <br/>The Fedora Project is maintained and driven by the community and sponsored by Red Hat.
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