path: root/themes/remi/tpl
diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2017-03-24 15:16:08 +0100
committerRemi Collet <>2017-03-24 15:16:08 +0100
commit0d8731a8f1c3a2d8bed7b4f88d3a3f9bab749404 (patch)
treefe50713cf0dc75e7332576e562a6436b14ceec92 /themes/remi/tpl
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/remi/tpl')
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+Deny from all
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+<div id="top">
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c91859
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+ title="{{tpl:ArchiveDate encode_html="1"}}">{{tpl:ArchiveDate encode_html="1" format="%B"}}</a>
+ ({{tpl:ArchiveEntriesCount}})</li>
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+ <tpl:Entries no_content="1">
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+ href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}" title="{{tpl:lang Read}} {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}">{{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}</a></h2>
+ <p class="post-info">{{tpl:lang By}} {{tpl:EntryAuthorLink}}
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+ - <a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#comments">{{tpl:EntryCommentCount}}</a>
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+ {{tpl:CategoryTitle encode_html="1"}}</h2>
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+ title="{{tpl:lang This category's comments Atom feed}}" class="feed">{{tpl:lang Comments feed}}</a>
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+ <h2 class="post-title"><a
+ href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}"><img src=/images/{{tpl:EntryLang}}.gif /> {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}</a></h2>
+ <p class="post-info">{{tpl:lang By}} {{tpl:EntryAuthorLink}}
+ {{tpl:lang on}} {{tpl:EntryDate}}, {{tpl:EntryTime}}</p>
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+ <div class="post-content">{{tpl:EntryExcerpt}}</div>
+ <p class="read-it"><a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}"
+ title="{{tpl:lang Continue reading}} {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}">{{tpl:lang Continue
+ reading}}</a>...</p>
+ </tpl:EntryIf>
+ <!-- # Entry without excerpt -->
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+ <div class="post-content">{{tpl:EntryContent}}</div>
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+ <tpl:SysIfCommentPublished>
+ <p class="message" id="pr">{{tpl:lang Your comment has been published.}}</p>
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+ </tpl:SysIfCommentPublished>
+ <tpl:SysIfCommentPending>
+ <p class="message" id="pr">{{tpl:lang Your comment has been submitted and
+ will be reviewed for publication.}}</p>
+ </tpl:SysIfCommentPending>
+ <!-- # Comment form -->
+ <form action="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#pr" method="post" id="comment-form">
+ <tpl:IfCommentPreview>
+ <div id="pr">
+ <h3>{{tpl:lang Your comment}}</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dd class="comment-preview">{{tpl:CommentPreviewContent}}</dd>
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+ <input name="c_name" id="c_name" type="text" size="30" maxlength="255"
+ value="{{tpl:CommentPreviewName encode_html="1"}}" />
+ </p>
+ <p class="field"><label for="c_mail">{{tpl:lang Email address}}&nbsp;:</label>
+ <input name="c_mail" id="c_mail" type="text" size="30" maxlength="255"
+ value="{{tpl:CommentPreviewEmail encode_html="1"}}" />
+ </p>
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+ ({{tpl:lang optional}})&nbsp;:</label>
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+ value="{{tpl:CommentPreviewSite encode_html="1"}}" />
+ </p>
+ <p style="display:none"><input name="f_mail" type="text" size="30"
+ maxlength="255" value="" /></p>
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+ <textarea name="c_content" id="c_content" cols="35"
+ rows="7">{{tpl:CommentPreviewContent raw="1" encode_html="1"}}</textarea>
+ </p>
+ <p class="form-help">{{tpl:lang HTML code is displayed as text and web addresses are
+ automatically converted.}}</p>
+ <!-- # --BEHAVIOR-- publicCommentFormAfterContent -->
+ {{tpl:SysBehavior behavior="publicCommentFormAfterContent"}}
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+ <fieldset>
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+ {{tpl:PingNoFollow}}>{{tpl:PingTitle encode_html="1"}}</a></p>
+ {{tpl:PingContent}}
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+ {{tpl:SysBehavior behavior="publicEntryBeforeContent"}}
+ <!-- # Entry with an excerpt -->
+ <tpl:EntryIf extended="1">
+ <div class="post-content">{{tpl:EntryExcerpt}}</div>
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+ title="{{tpl:lang Continue reading}} {{tpl:EntryTitle encode_html="1"}}">{{tpl:lang Continue
+ reading}}</a>...</p>
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+ </tpl:EntryIf>
+ <!-- # --BEHAVIOR-- publicEntryAfterContent -->
+ {{tpl:SysBehavior behavior="publicEntryAfterContent"}}
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+ <tpl:EntryIf operator="or" show_comments="1" show_pings="1" has_attachment="1">
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+ <tpl:EntryIf show_comments="1">
+ <a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#comments" class="comment_count">{{tpl:EntryCommentCount}}</a>
+ </tpl:EntryIf>
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+ <a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#pings" class="ping_count">{{tpl:EntryPingCount}}</a></tpl:EntryIf>
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+ <a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#attachments" class="attach_count">{{tpl:EntryAttachmentCount}}</a></tpl:EntryIf>
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+ reading}}</a>...</p>
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+ <a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#pings" class="ping_count">{{tpl:EntryPingCount}}</a></tpl:EntryIf>
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+ <a href="{{tpl:EntryURL}}#attachments" class="attach_count">{{tpl:EntryAttachmentCount}}</a></tpl:EntryIf>
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