path: root/php-pecl-uuid-dev.spec
diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2012-11-24 19:46:36 +0100
committerRemi Collet <>2012-11-24 19:46:36 +0100
commit12df3a67c7f7c57f2b529c6754a5e2dce47eaa3b (patch)
tree18e1ac0b78616d427a742a7b1dced9b1ae140c45 /php-pecl-uuid-dev.spec
parent52a206073e55f1e628e5a01328306a267681475f (diff)
php-pecl-uuid: back to remi spec
Diffstat (limited to 'php-pecl-uuid-dev.spec')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/php-pecl-uuid-dev.spec b/php-pecl-uuid-dev.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e9e0ba..0000000
--- a/php-pecl-uuid-dev.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-%{!?__pecl: %{expand: %%global __pecl %{_bindir}/pecl}}
-%global with_zts 0%{?__ztsphp:1}
-%global pecl_name uuid
-Summary: Universally Unique Identifier extension for PHP
-Name: php-pecl-uuid
-Version: 1.0.3
-Release: 2%{?dist}
-# - Please Provides LICENSE file
-License: LGPLv2+
-Group: Development/Languages
-# Use preg_match to avoid "Function ereg() is deprecated" in test suite
-Patch0: %{pecl_name}-ereg.patch
-# Fix build warnings
-Patch1: %{pecl_name}-build.patch
-# Improves phpinfo() output
-Patch2: %{pecl_name}-info.patch
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-BuildRequires: php-devel
-BuildRequires: php-pear
-BuildRequires: libuuid-devel
-Requires(post): %{__pecl}
-Requires(postun): %{__pecl}
-Requires: php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api}
-Requires: php(api) = %{php_core_api}
-# both provides same extension, with different API
-Conflicts: uuid-php
-Provides: php-pecl(%{pecl_name}) = %{version}
-Provides: php-pecl(%{pecl_name})%{?_isa} = %{version}
-# Other third party repo stuff
-Obsoletes: php53-pecl-%{pecl_name}
-Obsoletes: php53u-pecl-%{pecl_name}
-%if "%{php_version}" > "5.4"
-Obsoletes: php54-pecl-%{pecl_name}
-# Filter private shared
-%{?filter_provides_in: %filter_provides_in %{_libdir}/.*\.so$}
-A wrapper around Universally Unique Identifier library (libuuid).
-%setup -q -c
-cd %{pecl_name}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p3 -b .ereg
-%patch1 -p3 -b .build
-%patch2 -p3 -b .info
-# Sanity check, really often broken
-extver=$(sed -n '/#define PHP_UUID_VERSION/{s/.* "//;s/".*$//;p}' php_uuid.h)
-if test "x${extver}" != "x%{version}"; then
- : Error: Upstream extension version is ${extver}, expecting %{version}.
- exit 1
-cd ..
-%if %{with_zts}
-# duplicate for ZTS build
-cp -pr %{pecl_name}-%{version} %{pecl_name}-zts
-# Drop in the bit of configuration
-cat > %{pecl_name}.ini << 'EOF'
-; Enable UUID extension module
-extension = %{pecl_name}.so
-export PHP_RPATH=no
-cd %{pecl_name}-%{version}
-%configure --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/php-config
-make %{?_smp_mflags}
-%if %{with_zts}
-cd ../%{pecl_name}-zts
-%configure --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/zts-php-config
-make %{?_smp_mflags}
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-# Install the NTS stuff
-make -C %{pecl_name}-%{version} install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
-install -D -m 644 %{pecl_name}.ini %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php.d/%{pecl_name}.ini
-# Install the ZTS stuff
-%if %{with_zts}
-make -C %{pecl_name}-zts install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
-install -D -m 644 %{pecl_name}.ini %{buildroot}%{php_ztsinidir}/%{pecl_name}.ini
-# Install the package XML file
-install -D -m 644 package.xml %{buildroot}%{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml
-cd %{pecl_name}-%{version}
-TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=%{_bindir}/php \
-TEST_PHP_ARGS="-n -d extension_dir=$PWD/modules -d extension=%{pecl_name}.so" \
-%{_bindir}/php -n run-tests.php
-%if %{with_zts}
-cd ../%{pecl_name}-zts
-TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=%{__ztsphp} \
-TEST_PHP_ARGS="-n -d extension_dir=$PWD/modules -d extension=%{pecl_name}.so" \
-%{__ztsphp} -n run-tests.php
-%{pecl_install} %{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml >/dev/null || :
-if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
- %{pecl_uninstall} %{pecl_name} >/dev/null || :
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-%doc %{pecl_name}-%{version}/CREDITS
-%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/php.d/%{pecl_name}.ini
-%if %{with_zts}
-%config(noreplace) %{php_ztsinidir}/%{pecl_name}.ini
-* Tue Nov 6 2012 Remi Collet <> - 1.0.3-2
-- more upstream patches (build warning + phpinfo output)
-* Tue Nov 6 2012 Remi Collet <> - 1.0.3-1
-- initial package, version 1.0.3 (stable)