path: root/SessionHelpers.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SessionHelpers.php')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SessionHelpers.php b/SessionHelpers.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90ae73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SessionHelpers.php
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+namespace SessionHelpers;
+class PhpSpawner {
+ protected static function appendPhpArgs(string $php): string {
+ $modules = shell_exec("$php --no-php-ini -m");
+ /* Determine if we need to specifically add extensions */
+ $extensions = array_filter(
+ ['igbinary', 'msgpack', 'json', 'redis'],
+ function ($module) use ($modules) {
+ return strpos($modules, $module) === false;
+ }
+ );
+ /* If any are needed add them to the command */
+ if ($extensions) {
+ $php .= ' --no-php-ini';
+ foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
+ /* We want to use the locally built redis extension */
+ if ($extension == 'redis') {
+ $path = dirname(__DIR__) . '/modules/redis';
+ if (is_file("{$path}.so"))
+ $extension = $path;
+ }
+ $php .= " -dextension=$";
+ }
+ }
+ return $php;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return command to launch PHP with built extension enabled
+ * taking care of environment (TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE and TEST_PHP_ARGS)
+ *
+ * @param string $script
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public static function cmd(string $script): string {
+ static $cmd = NULL;
+ if ( ! $cmd) {
+ $cmd = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE') ?: PHP_BINARY;
+ if ($test_args = getenv('TEST_PHP_ARGS')) {
+ $cmd .= ' ' . $test_args;
+ } else {
+ $cmd = self::appendPhpArgs($cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ return $cmd . ' ' . __DIR__ . '/' . $script . ' ';
+ }
+class Runner {
+ const start_script = 'startSession.php';
+ const regenerate_id_script = 'regenerateSessionId.php';
+ const get_data_script = 'getSessionData.php';
+ private $required = ['host', 'handler', 'id'];
+ private $args = [
+ 'handler' => null,
+ 'save-path' => null,
+ 'id' => null,
+ 'sleep' => 0,
+ 'max-execution-time' => 300,
+ 'locking-enabled' => true,
+ 'lock-wait-time' => null,
+ 'lock-retries' => -1,
+ 'lock-expires' => 0,
+ 'data' => '',
+ 'lifetime' => 1440,
+ 'compression' => 'none',
+ ];
+ private $prefix = NULL;
+ private $output_file;
+ private $exit_code = -1;
+ private $cmd = NULL;
+ private $pid;
+ private $output;
+ public function __construct() {
+ $this->args['id'] = $this->createId();
+ }
+ public function getExitCode(): int {
+ return $this->exit_code;
+ }
+ public function getCmd(): ?string {
+ return $this->cmd;
+ }
+ public function getId(): ?string {
+ return $this->args['id'];
+ }
+ public function prefix(string $prefix): self {
+ $this->prefix = $prefix;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getSessionKey(): string {
+ return $this->prefix . $this->getId();
+ }
+ public function getSessionLockKey(): string {
+ return $this->getSessionKey() . '_LOCK';
+ }
+ protected function set($setting, $v): self {
+ $this->args[$setting] = $v;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function handler(string $handler): self {
+ return $this->set('handler', $handler);
+ }
+ public function savePath(string $path): self {
+ return $this->set('save-path', $path);
+ }
+ public function id(string $id): self {
+ return $this->set('id', $id);
+ }
+ public function sleep(int $sleep): self {
+ return $this->set('sleep', $sleep);
+ }
+ public function maxExecutionTime(int $time): self {
+ return $this->set('max-execution-time', $time);
+ }
+ public function lockingEnabled(bool $enabled): self {
+ return $this->set('locking-enabled', $enabled);
+ }
+ public function lockWaitTime(int $time): self {
+ return $this->set('lock-wait-time', $time);
+ }
+ public function lockRetries(int $retries): self {
+ return $this->set('lock-retries', $retries);
+ }
+ public function lockExpires(int $expires): self {
+ return $this->set('lock-expires', $expires);
+ }
+ public function data(string $data): self {
+ return $this->set('data', $data);
+ }
+ public function lifetime(int $lifetime): self {
+ return $this->set('lifetime', $lifetime);
+ }
+ public function compression(string $compression): self {
+ return $this->set('compression', $compression);
+ }
+ protected function validateArgs(array $required) {
+ foreach ($required as $req) {
+ if ( ! isset($this->args[$req]) || $this->args[$req] === null)
+ throw new \Exception("Command requires '$req' arg");
+ }
+ }
+ private function createId(): string {
+ if (function_exists('session_create_id'))
+ return session_create_id();
+ return uniqid();
+ }
+ private function getTmpFileName() {
+ return '/tmp/sessiontmp.txt';
+ return tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'session');
+ }
+ /*
+ * @param $client Redis client
+ * @param string $max_wait_sec
+ *
+ * Sometimes we want to block until a session lock has been detected
+ * This is better and faster than arbitrarily sleeping. If we don't
+ * detect the session key within the specified maximum number of
+ * seconds, the function returns failure.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function waitForLockKey($redis, $max_wait_sec) {
+ $now = microtime(true);
+ do {
+ if ($redis->exists($this->getSessionLockKey()))
+ return true;
+ usleep(10000);
+ } while (microtime(true) <= $now + $max_wait_sec);
+ return false;
+ }
+ private function appendCmdArgs(array $args): string {
+ $append = [];
+ foreach ($args as $arg => $val) {
+ if ( ! $val)
+ continue;
+ if (is_string($val))
+ $val = escapeshellarg($val);
+ $append[] = "--$arg";
+ $append[] = $val;
+ }
+ return implode(' ', $append);
+ }
+ private function buildPhpCmd(string $script, array $args): string {
+ return PhpSpawner::cmd($script) . ' ' . $this->appendCmdArgs($args);
+ }
+ private function startSessionCmd(): string {
+ return $this->buildPhpCmd(self::start_script, $this->args);
+ }
+ public function output(?int $timeout = NULL): ?string {
+ if ($this->output) {
+ var_dump("early return");
+ return $this->output;
+ }
+ if ( ! $this->output_file || ! $this->pid) {
+ throw new \Exception("Process was not started in the background");
+ }
+ $st = microtime(true);
+ do {
+ if (pcntl_waitpid($this->pid, $exit_code, WNOHANG) == 0)
+ break;
+ usleep(100000);
+ } while ((microtime(true) - $st) < $timeout);
+ if ( ! file_exists($this->output_file))
+ return "";
+ $this->output = file_get_contents($this->output_file);
+ $this->output_file = NULL;
+ $this->exit_code = $exit_code;
+ $this->pid = NULL;
+ return $this->output;
+ }
+ public function execBg(): bool {
+ if ($this->cmd)
+ throw new \Exception("Command already executed!");
+ $output_file = $this->getTmpFileName();
+ $this->cmd = $this->startSessionCmd();
+ $this->cmd .= " >$output_file 2>&1 & echo $!";
+ $pid = exec($this->cmd, $output, $exit_code);
+ $this->exit_code = $exit_code;
+ if ($this->exit_code || !is_numeric($pid))
+ return false;
+ $this->pid = (int)$pid;
+ $this->output_file = $output_file;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function execFg() {
+ if ($this->cmd)
+ throw new \Exception("Command already executed!");
+ $this->cmd = $this->startSessionCmd() . ' 2>&1';
+ exec($this->cmd, $output, $exit_code);
+ $this->exit_code = $exit_code;
+ $this->output = implode("\n", array_filter($output));
+ return $this->output;
+ }
+ private function regenerateIdCmd($locking, $destroy, $proxy): string {
+ $this->validateArgs(['handler', 'id', 'save-path']);
+ $args = [
+ 'handler' => $this->args['handler'],
+ 'save-path' => $this->args['save-path'],
+ 'id' => $this->args['id'],
+ 'locking-enabled' => !!$locking,
+ 'destroy' => !!$destroy,
+ 'proxy' => !!$proxy,
+ ];
+ return $this->buildPhpCmd(self::regenerate_id_script, $args);
+ }
+ public function regenerateId($locking = false, $destroy = false, $proxy = false) {
+ if ( ! $this->cmd)
+ throw new \Exception("Cannot regenerate id before starting session!");
+ $cmd = $this->regenerateIdCmd($locking, $destroy, $proxy);
+ exec($cmd, $output, $exit_code);
+ if ($exit_code != 0)
+ return false;
+ return $output[0];
+ }
+ private function getDataCmd(?int $lifetime): string {
+ $this->validateArgs(['handler', 'save-path', 'id']);
+ $args = [
+ 'handler' => $this->args['handler'],
+ 'save-path' => $this->args['save-path'],
+ 'id' => $this->args['id'],
+ 'lifetime' => is_int($lifetime) ? $lifetime : $this->args['lifetime'],
+ ];
+ return $this->buildPhpCmd(self::get_data_script, $args);
+ }
+ public function getData(?int $lifetime = NULL): string {
+ $cmd = $this->getDataCmd($lifetime);
+ exec($cmd, $output, $exit_code);
+ if ($exit_code != 0) {
+ return implode("\n", $output);
+ }
+ return $output[0];
+ }