diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2018-01-10 15:00:17 +0100
committerRemi Collet <>2018-01-10 15:00:17 +0100
commit9606f217c9c629f2508a0e4ac07ecb1eeaa6e984 (patch)
parent16e9544ff583ada57e37a1a5da0f6222e855a3ab (diff)
2 files changed, 293 insertions, 286 deletions
index dca6e01..d822213 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
+Extension [ <persistent> extension #184 pq version 2.1.3 ] {
- Dependencies {
Dependency [ raphf (Required) ]
@@ -49,26 +49,26 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\DateTime extends DateTime implements DateTimeInterface, JsonSerializable ] {
- Constants [13] {
- Constant [ string ATOM ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sP }
- Constant [ string COOKIE ] { l, d-M-Y H:i:s T }
- Constant [ string ISO8601 ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sO }
- Constant [ string RFC822 ] { D, d M y H:i:s O }
- Constant [ string RFC850 ] { l, d-M-y H:i:s T }
- Constant [ string RFC1036 ] { D, d M y H:i:s O }
- Constant [ string RFC1123 ] { D, d M Y H:i:s O }
- Constant [ string RFC7231 ] { D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T }
- Constant [ string RFC2822 ] { D, d M Y H:i:s O }
- Constant [ string RFC3339 ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sP }
- Constant [ string RFC3339_EXTENDED ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP }
- Constant [ string RSS ] { D, d M Y H:i:s O }
- Constant [ string W3C ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sP }
+ Constant [ public string ATOM ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sP }
+ Constant [ public string COOKIE ] { l, d-M-Y H:i:s T }
+ Constant [ public string ISO8601 ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sO }
+ Constant [ public string RFC822 ] { D, d M y H:i:s O }
+ Constant [ public string RFC850 ] { l, d-M-y H:i:s T }
+ Constant [ public string RFC1036 ] { D, d M y H:i:s O }
+ Constant [ public string RFC1123 ] { D, d M Y H:i:s O }
+ Constant [ public string RFC7231 ] { D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T }
+ Constant [ public string RFC2822 ] { D, d M Y H:i:s O }
+ Constant [ public string RFC3339 ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sP }
+ Constant [ public string RFC3339_EXTENDED ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP }
+ Constant [ public string RSS ] { D, d M Y H:i:s O }
+ Constant [ public string W3C ] { Y-m-d\TH:i:sP }
- Static properties [0] {
- Static methods [3] {
- Method [ <internal:pq, overwrites DateTime, prototype DateTime> static public method createFromFormat ] {
+ Method [ <internal:pq, overwrites TimecopDateTime, prototype DateTimeImmutable> static public method createFromFormat ] {
- Parameters [3] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $format ]
@@ -164,10 +164,11 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Method [ <internal:date, inherits DateTime> public method setTime ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
+ - Parameters [4] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $hour ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $minute ]
Parameter #2 [ <optional> $second ]
+ Parameter #3 [ <optional> $microseconds ]
@@ -215,15 +216,15 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Interface [ <internal:pq> interface pq\Exception extends Throwable ] {
- Constants [9] {
- Constant [ integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer IO ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer SQL ] { 8 }
+ Constant [ public integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer IO ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer SQL ] { 8 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -265,15 +266,15 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Exception\InvalidArgumentException extends InvalidArgumentException implements Throwable, pq\Exception ] {
- Constants [9] {
- Constant [ integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer IO ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer SQL ] { 8 }
+ Constant [ public integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer IO ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer SQL ] { 8 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -331,15 +332,15 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Exception\RuntimeException extends RuntimeException implements Throwable, pq\Exception ] {
- Constants [9] {
- Constant [ integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer IO ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer SQL ] { 8 }
+ Constant [ public integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer IO ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer SQL ] { 8 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -397,15 +398,15 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Exception\BadMethodCallException extends BadMethodCallException implements Throwable, pq\Exception ] {
- Constants [9] {
- Constant [ integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer IO ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer SQL ] { 8 }
+ Constant [ public integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer IO ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer SQL ] { 8 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -463,15 +464,15 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Exception\DomainException extends DomainException implements Throwable, pq\Exception ] {
- Constants [9] {
- Constant [ integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer IO ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer SQL ] { 8 }
+ Constant [ public integer INVALID_ARGUMENT ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer RUNTIME ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONNECTION_FAILED ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer IO ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer ESCAPE ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD_METHODCALL ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer UNINITIALIZED ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer DOMAIN ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer SQL ] { 8 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -530,28 +531,28 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Connection ] {
- Constants [22] {
- Constant [ integer OK ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer BAD ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer STARTED ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer MADE ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer AWAITING_RESPONSE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer AUTH_OK ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer SSL_STARTUP ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer SETENV ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer TRANS_IDLE ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer TRANS_ACTIVE ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer TRANS_INTRANS ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer TRANS_INERROR ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer TRANS_UNKNOWN ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer POLLING_FAILED ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer POLLING_READING ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer POLLING_WRITING ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer POLLING_OK ] { 3 }
- Constant [ string EVENT_NOTICE ] { notice }
- Constant [ string EVENT_RESULT ] { result }
- Constant [ string EVENT_RESET ] { reset }
- Constant [ integer ASYNC ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer PERSISTENT ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer OK ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer STARTED ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer MADE ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer AWAITING_RESPONSE ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer AUTH_OK ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer SSL_STARTUP ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer SETENV ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer TRANS_IDLE ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer TRANS_ACTIVE ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer TRANS_INTRANS ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer TRANS_INERROR ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer TRANS_UNKNOWN ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer POLLING_FAILED ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer POLLING_READING ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer POLLING_WRITING ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer POLLING_OK ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public string EVENT_NOTICE ] { notice }
+ Constant [ public string EVENT_RESULT ] { result }
+ Constant [ public string EVENT_RESET ] { reset }
+ Constant [ public integer ASYNC ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer PERSISTENT ] { 2 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -858,170 +859,174 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Types ] {
- - Constants [163] {
- Constant [ integer BOOL ] { 16 }
- Constant [ integer BYTEA ] { 17 }
- Constant [ integer CHAR ] { 18 }
- Constant [ integer NAME ] { 19 }
- Constant [ integer INT8 ] { 20 }
- Constant [ integer INT2 ] { 21 }
- Constant [ integer INT2VECTOR ] { 22 }
- Constant [ integer INT4 ] { 23 }
- Constant [ integer REGPROC ] { 24 }
- Constant [ integer TEXT ] { 25 }
- Constant [ integer OID ] { 26 }
- Constant [ integer TID ] { 27 }
- Constant [ integer XID ] { 28 }
- Constant [ integer CID ] { 29 }
- Constant [ integer OIDVECTOR ] { 30 }
- Constant [ integer PG_TYPE ] { 71 }
- Constant [ integer PG_ATTRIBUTE ] { 75 }
- Constant [ integer PG_PROC ] { 81 }
- Constant [ integer PG_CLASS ] { 83 }
- Constant [ integer JSON ] { 114 }
- Constant [ integer XML ] { 142 }
- Constant [ integer XMLARRAY ] { 143 }
- Constant [ integer JSONARRAY ] { 199 }
- Constant [ integer PG_NODE_TREE ] { 194 }
- Constant [ integer PG_DDL_COMMAND ] { 32 }
- Constant [ integer SMGR ] { 210 }
- Constant [ integer POINT ] { 600 }
- Constant [ integer LSEG ] { 601 }
- Constant [ integer PATH ] { 602 }
- Constant [ integer BOX ] { 603 }
- Constant [ integer POLYGON ] { 604 }
- Constant [ integer LINE ] { 628 }
- Constant [ integer LINEARRAY ] { 629 }
- Constant [ integer FLOAT4 ] { 700 }
- Constant [ integer FLOAT8 ] { 701 }
- Constant [ integer ABSTIME ] { 702 }
- Constant [ integer RELTIME ] { 703 }
- Constant [ integer TINTERVAL ] { 704 }
- Constant [ integer UNKNOWN ] { 705 }
- Constant [ integer CIRCLE ] { 718 }
- Constant [ integer CIRCLEARRAY ] { 719 }
- Constant [ integer MONEY ] { 790 }
- Constant [ integer MONEYARRAY ] { 791 }
- Constant [ integer MACADDR ] { 829 }
- Constant [ integer INET ] { 869 }
- Constant [ integer CIDR ] { 650 }
- Constant [ integer BOOLARRAY ] { 1000 }
- Constant [ integer BYTEAARRAY ] { 1001 }
- Constant [ integer CHARARRAY ] { 1002 }
- Constant [ integer NAMEARRAY ] { 1003 }
- Constant [ integer INT2ARRAY ] { 1005 }
- Constant [ integer INT2VECTORARRAY ] { 1006 }
- Constant [ integer INT4ARRAY ] { 1007 }
- Constant [ integer REGPROCARRAY ] { 1008 }
- Constant [ integer TEXTARRAY ] { 1009 }
- Constant [ integer OIDARRAY ] { 1028 }
- Constant [ integer TIDARRAY ] { 1010 }
- Constant [ integer XIDARRAY ] { 1011 }
- Constant [ integer CIDARRAY ] { 1012 }
- Constant [ integer OIDVECTORARRAY ] { 1013 }
- Constant [ integer BPCHARARRAY ] { 1014 }
- Constant [ integer VARCHARARRAY ] { 1015 }
- Constant [ integer INT8ARRAY ] { 1016 }
- Constant [ integer POINTARRAY ] { 1017 }
- Constant [ integer LSEGARRAY ] { 1018 }
- Constant [ integer PATHARRAY ] { 1019 }
- Constant [ integer BOXARRAY ] { 1020 }
- Constant [ integer FLOAT4ARRAY ] { 1021 }
- Constant [ integer FLOAT8ARRAY ] { 1022 }
- Constant [ integer ABSTIMEARRAY ] { 1023 }
- Constant [ integer RELTIMEARRAY ] { 1024 }
- Constant [ integer TINTERVALARRAY ] { 1025 }
- Constant [ integer POLYGONARRAY ] { 1027 }
- Constant [ integer ACLITEM ] { 1033 }
- Constant [ integer ACLITEMARRAY ] { 1034 }
- Constant [ integer MACADDRARRAY ] { 1040 }
- Constant [ integer INETARRAY ] { 1041 }
- Constant [ integer CIDRARRAY ] { 651 }
- Constant [ integer CSTRINGARRAY ] { 1263 }
- Constant [ integer BPCHAR ] { 1042 }
- Constant [ integer VARCHAR ] { 1043 }
- Constant [ integer DATE ] { 1082 }
- Constant [ integer TIME ] { 1083 }
- Constant [ integer TIMESTAMP ] { 1114 }
- Constant [ integer TIMESTAMPARRAY ] { 1115 }
- Constant [ integer DATEARRAY ] { 1182 }
- Constant [ integer TIMEARRAY ] { 1183 }
- Constant [ integer TIMESTAMPTZ ] { 1184 }
- Constant [ integer TIMESTAMPTZARRAY ] { 1185 }
- Constant [ integer INTERVAL ] { 1186 }
- Constant [ integer INTERVALARRAY ] { 1187 }
- Constant [ integer NUMERICARRAY ] { 1231 }
- Constant [ integer TIMETZ ] { 1266 }
- Constant [ integer TIMETZARRAY ] { 1270 }
- Constant [ integer BIT ] { 1560 }
- Constant [ integer BITARRAY ] { 1561 }
- Constant [ integer VARBIT ] { 1562 }
- Constant [ integer VARBITARRAY ] { 1563 }
- Constant [ integer NUMERIC ] { 1700 }
- Constant [ integer REFCURSOR ] { 1790 }
- Constant [ integer REFCURSORARRAY ] { 2201 }
- Constant [ integer REGPROCEDURE ] { 2202 }
- Constant [ integer REGOPER ] { 2203 }
- Constant [ integer REGOPERATOR ] { 2204 }
- Constant [ integer REGCLASS ] { 2205 }
- Constant [ integer REGTYPE ] { 2206 }
- Constant [ integer REGROLE ] { 4096 }
- Constant [ integer REGNAMESPACE ] { 4089 }
- Constant [ integer REGPROCEDUREARRAY ] { 2207 }
- Constant [ integer REGOPERARRAY ] { 2208 }
- Constant [ integer REGOPERATORARRAY ] { 2209 }
- Constant [ integer REGCLASSARRAY ] { 2210 }
- Constant [ integer REGTYPEARRAY ] { 2211 }
- Constant [ integer REGROLEARRAY ] { 4097 }
- Constant [ integer REGNAMESPACEARRAY ] { 4090 }
- Constant [ integer UUID ] { 2950 }
- Constant [ integer UUIDARRAY ] { 2951 }
- Constant [ integer PG_LSN ] { 3220 }
- Constant [ integer PG_LSNARRAY ] { 3221 }
- Constant [ integer TSVECTOR ] { 3614 }
- Constant [ integer GTSVECTOR ] { 3642 }
- Constant [ integer TSQUERY ] { 3615 }
- Constant [ integer REGCONFIG ] { 3734 }
- Constant [ integer REGDICTIONARY ] { 3769 }
- Constant [ integer TSVECTORARRAY ] { 3643 }
- Constant [ integer GTSVECTORARRAY ] { 3644 }
- Constant [ integer TSQUERYARRAY ] { 3645 }
- Constant [ integer REGCONFIGARRAY ] { 3735 }
- Constant [ integer REGDICTIONARYARRAY ] { 3770 }
- Constant [ integer JSONB ] { 3802 }
- Constant [ integer JSONBARRAY ] { 3807 }
- Constant [ integer TXID_SNAPSHOT ] { 2970 }
- Constant [ integer TXID_SNAPSHOTARRAY ] { 2949 }
- Constant [ integer INT4RANGE ] { 3904 }
- Constant [ integer INT4RANGEARRAY ] { 3905 }
- Constant [ integer NUMRANGE ] { 3906 }
- Constant [ integer NUMRANGEARRAY ] { 3907 }
- Constant [ integer TSRANGE ] { 3908 }
- Constant [ integer TSRANGEARRAY ] { 3909 }
- Constant [ integer TSTZRANGE ] { 3910 }
- Constant [ integer TSTZRANGEARRAY ] { 3911 }
- Constant [ integer DATERANGE ] { 3912 }
- Constant [ integer DATERANGEARRAY ] { 3913 }
- Constant [ integer INT8RANGE ] { 3926 }
- Constant [ integer INT8RANGEARRAY ] { 3927 }
- Constant [ integer RECORD ] { 2249 }
- Constant [ integer RECORDARRAY ] { 2287 }
- Constant [ integer CSTRING ] { 2275 }
- Constant [ integer ANY ] { 2276 }
- Constant [ integer ANYARRAY ] { 2277 }
- Constant [ integer VOID ] { 2278 }
- Constant [ integer TRIGGER ] { 2279 }
- Constant [ integer EVENT_TRIGGER ] { 3838 }
- Constant [ integer LANGUAGE_HANDLER ] { 2280 }
- Constant [ integer INTERNAL ] { 2281 }
- Constant [ integer OPAQUE ] { 2282 }
- Constant [ integer ANYELEMENT ] { 2283 }
- Constant [ integer ANYNONARRAY ] { 2776 }
- Constant [ integer ANYENUM ] { 3500 }
- Constant [ integer FDW_HANDLER ] { 3115 }
- Constant [ integer INDEX_AM_HANDLER ] { 325 }
- Constant [ integer TSM_HANDLER ] { 3310 }
- Constant [ integer ANYRANGE ] { 3831 }
+ - Constants [167] {
+ Constant [ public integer BOOL ] { 16 }
+ Constant [ public integer BYTEA ] { 17 }
+ Constant [ public integer CHAR ] { 18 }
+ Constant [ public integer NAME ] { 19 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT8 ] { 20 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT2 ] { 21 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT2VECTOR ] { 22 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT4 ] { 23 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGPROC ] { 24 }
+ Constant [ public integer TEXT ] { 25 }
+ Constant [ public integer OID ] { 26 }
+ Constant [ public integer TID ] { 27 }
+ Constant [ public integer XID ] { 28 }
+ Constant [ public integer CID ] { 29 }
+ Constant [ public integer OIDVECTOR ] { 30 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_TYPE ] { 71 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_ATTRIBUTE ] { 75 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_PROC ] { 81 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_CLASS ] { 83 }
+ Constant [ public integer JSON ] { 114 }
+ Constant [ public integer XML ] { 142 }
+ Constant [ public integer XMLARRAY ] { 143 }
+ Constant [ public integer JSONARRAY ] { 199 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_NODE_TREE ] { 194 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_NDISTINCT ] { 3361 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_DEPENDENCIES ] { 3402 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_DDL_COMMAND ] { 32 }
+ Constant [ public integer SMGR ] { 210 }
+ Constant [ public integer POINT ] { 600 }
+ Constant [ public integer LSEG ] { 601 }
+ Constant [ public integer PATH ] { 602 }
+ Constant [ public integer BOX ] { 603 }
+ Constant [ public integer POLYGON ] { 604 }
+ Constant [ public integer LINE ] { 628 }
+ Constant [ public integer LINEARRAY ] { 629 }
+ Constant [ public integer FLOAT4 ] { 700 }
+ Constant [ public integer FLOAT8 ] { 701 }
+ Constant [ public integer ABSTIME ] { 702 }
+ Constant [ public integer RELTIME ] { 703 }
+ Constant [ public integer TINTERVAL ] { 704 }
+ Constant [ public integer UNKNOWN ] { 705 }
+ Constant [ public integer CIRCLE ] { 718 }
+ Constant [ public integer CIRCLEARRAY ] { 719 }
+ Constant [ public integer MONEY ] { 790 }
+ Constant [ public integer MONEYARRAY ] { 791 }
+ Constant [ public integer MACADDR ] { 829 }
+ Constant [ public integer INET ] { 869 }
+ Constant [ public integer CIDR ] { 650 }
+ Constant [ public integer MACADDR8 ] { 774 }
+ Constant [ public integer BOOLARRAY ] { 1000 }
+ Constant [ public integer BYTEAARRAY ] { 1001 }
+ Constant [ public integer CHARARRAY ] { 1002 }
+ Constant [ public integer NAMEARRAY ] { 1003 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT2ARRAY ] { 1005 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT2VECTORARRAY ] { 1006 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT4ARRAY ] { 1007 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGPROCARRAY ] { 1008 }
+ Constant [ public integer TEXTARRAY ] { 1009 }
+ Constant [ public integer OIDARRAY ] { 1028 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIDARRAY ] { 1010 }
+ Constant [ public integer XIDARRAY ] { 1011 }
+ Constant [ public integer CIDARRAY ] { 1012 }
+ Constant [ public integer OIDVECTORARRAY ] { 1013 }
+ Constant [ public integer BPCHARARRAY ] { 1014 }
+ Constant [ public integer VARCHARARRAY ] { 1015 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT8ARRAY ] { 1016 }
+ Constant [ public integer POINTARRAY ] { 1017 }
+ Constant [ public integer LSEGARRAY ] { 1018 }
+ Constant [ public integer PATHARRAY ] { 1019 }
+ Constant [ public integer BOXARRAY ] { 1020 }
+ Constant [ public integer FLOAT4ARRAY ] { 1021 }
+ Constant [ public integer FLOAT8ARRAY ] { 1022 }
+ Constant [ public integer ABSTIMEARRAY ] { 1023 }
+ Constant [ public integer RELTIMEARRAY ] { 1024 }
+ Constant [ public integer TINTERVALARRAY ] { 1025 }
+ Constant [ public integer POLYGONARRAY ] { 1027 }
+ Constant [ public integer ACLITEM ] { 1033 }
+ Constant [ public integer ACLITEMARRAY ] { 1034 }
+ Constant [ public integer MACADDRARRAY ] { 1040 }
+ Constant [ public integer MACADDR8ARRAY ] { 775 }
+ Constant [ public integer INETARRAY ] { 1041 }
+ Constant [ public integer CIDRARRAY ] { 651 }
+ Constant [ public integer CSTRINGARRAY ] { 1263 }
+ Constant [ public integer BPCHAR ] { 1042 }
+ Constant [ public integer VARCHAR ] { 1043 }
+ Constant [ public integer DATE ] { 1082 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIME ] { 1083 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMESTAMP ] { 1114 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMESTAMPARRAY ] { 1115 }
+ Constant [ public integer DATEARRAY ] { 1182 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMEARRAY ] { 1183 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMESTAMPTZ ] { 1184 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMESTAMPTZARRAY ] { 1185 }
+ Constant [ public integer INTERVAL ] { 1186 }
+ Constant [ public integer INTERVALARRAY ] { 1187 }
+ Constant [ public integer NUMERICARRAY ] { 1231 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMETZ ] { 1266 }
+ Constant [ public integer TIMETZARRAY ] { 1270 }
+ Constant [ public integer BIT ] { 1560 }
+ Constant [ public integer BITARRAY ] { 1561 }
+ Constant [ public integer VARBIT ] { 1562 }
+ Constant [ public integer VARBITARRAY ] { 1563 }
+ Constant [ public integer NUMERIC ] { 1700 }
+ Constant [ public integer REFCURSOR ] { 1790 }
+ Constant [ public integer REFCURSORARRAY ] { 2201 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGPROCEDURE ] { 2202 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGOPER ] { 2203 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGOPERATOR ] { 2204 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGCLASS ] { 2205 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGTYPE ] { 2206 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGROLE ] { 4096 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGNAMESPACE ] { 4089 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGPROCEDUREARRAY ] { 2207 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGOPERARRAY ] { 2208 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGOPERATORARRAY ] { 2209 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGCLASSARRAY ] { 2210 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGTYPEARRAY ] { 2211 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGROLEARRAY ] { 4097 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGNAMESPACEARRAY ] { 4090 }
+ Constant [ public integer UUID ] { 2950 }
+ Constant [ public integer UUIDARRAY ] { 2951 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_LSN ] { 3220 }
+ Constant [ public integer PG_LSNARRAY ] { 3221 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSVECTOR ] { 3614 }
+ Constant [ public integer GTSVECTOR ] { 3642 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSQUERY ] { 3615 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGCONFIG ] { 3734 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGDICTIONARY ] { 3769 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSVECTORARRAY ] { 3643 }
+ Constant [ public integer GTSVECTORARRAY ] { 3644 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSQUERYARRAY ] { 3645 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGCONFIGARRAY ] { 3735 }
+ Constant [ public integer REGDICTIONARYARRAY ] { 3770 }
+ Constant [ public integer JSONB ] { 3802 }
+ Constant [ public integer JSONBARRAY ] { 3807 }
+ Constant [ public integer TXID_SNAPSHOT ] { 2970 }
+ Constant [ public integer TXID_SNAPSHOTARRAY ] { 2949 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT4RANGE ] { 3904 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT4RANGEARRAY ] { 3905 }
+ Constant [ public integer NUMRANGE ] { 3906 }
+ Constant [ public integer NUMRANGEARRAY ] { 3907 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSRANGE ] { 3908 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSRANGEARRAY ] { 3909 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSTZRANGE ] { 3910 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSTZRANGEARRAY ] { 3911 }
+ Constant [ public integer DATERANGE ] { 3912 }
+ Constant [ public integer DATERANGEARRAY ] { 3913 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT8RANGE ] { 3926 }
+ Constant [ public integer INT8RANGEARRAY ] { 3927 }
+ Constant [ public integer RECORD ] { 2249 }
+ Constant [ public integer RECORDARRAY ] { 2287 }
+ Constant [ public integer CSTRING ] { 2275 }
+ Constant [ public integer ANY ] { 2276 }
+ Constant [ public integer ANYARRAY ] { 2277 }
+ Constant [ public integer VOID ] { 2278 }
+ Constant [ public integer TRIGGER ] { 2279 }
+ Constant [ public integer EVENT_TRIGGER ] { 3838 }
+ Constant [ public integer LANGUAGE_HANDLER ] { 2280 }
+ Constant [ public integer INTERNAL ] { 2281 }
+ Constant [ public integer OPAQUE ] { 2282 }
+ Constant [ public integer ANYELEMENT ] { 2283 }
+ Constant [ public integer ANYNONARRAY ] { 2776 }
+ Constant [ public integer ANYENUM ] { 3500 }
+ Constant [ public integer FDW_HANDLER ] { 3115 }
+ Constant [ public integer INDEX_AM_HANDLER ] { 325 }
+ Constant [ public integer TSM_HANDLER ] { 3310 }
+ Constant [ public integer ANYRANGE ] { 3831 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -1055,27 +1060,27 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> <iterateable> class pq\Result implements Traversable, Countable ] {
- Constants [21] {
- Constant [ integer EMPTY_QUERY ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer COMMAND_OK ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer TUPLES_OK ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer COPY_OUT ] { 3 }
- Constant [ integer COPY_IN ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer BAD_RESPONSE ] { 5 }
- Constant [ integer NONFATAL_ERROR ] { 6 }
- Constant [ integer FATAL_ERROR ] { 7 }
- Constant [ integer COPY_BOTH ] { 8 }
- Constant [ integer SINGLE_TUPLE ] { 9 }
- Constant [ integer FETCH_ARRAY ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer FETCH_ASSOC ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer FETCH_OBJECT ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_BOOL ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_INT ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_FLOAT ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_SCALAR ] { 15 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_ARRAY ] { 16 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_DATETIME ] { 32 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_JSON ] { 256 }
- Constant [ integer CONV_ALL ] { 65535 }
+ Constant [ public integer EMPTY_QUERY ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer COMMAND_OK ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer TUPLES_OK ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer COPY_OUT ] { 3 }
+ Constant [ public integer COPY_IN ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer BAD_RESPONSE ] { 5 }
+ Constant [ public integer NONFATAL_ERROR ] { 6 }
+ Constant [ public integer FATAL_ERROR ] { 7 }
+ Constant [ public integer COPY_BOTH ] { 8 }
+ Constant [ public integer SINGLE_TUPLE ] { 9 }
+ Constant [ public integer FETCH_ARRAY ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer FETCH_ASSOC ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer FETCH_OBJECT ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_BOOL ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_INT ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_FLOAT ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_SCALAR ] { 15 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_ARRAY ] { 16 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_DATETIME ] { 32 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_JSON ] { 256 }
+ Constant [ public integer CONV_ALL ] { 65535 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -1258,9 +1263,9 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Transaction ] {
- Constants [3] {
- Constant [ integer READ_COMMITTED ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer REPEATABLE_READ ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer SERIALIZABLE ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer READ_COMMITTED ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer REPEATABLE_READ ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer SERIALIZABLE ] { 2 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -1393,11 +1398,11 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\Cursor ] {
- Constants [5] {
- Constant [ integer BINARY ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer INSENSITIVE ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer WITH_HOLD ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer SCROLL ] { 16 }
- Constant [ integer NO_SCROLL ] { 32 }
+ Constant [ public integer BINARY ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer INSENSITIVE ] { 2 }
+ Constant [ public integer WITH_HOLD ] { 4 }
+ Constant [ public integer SCROLL ] { 16 }
+ Constant [ public integer NO_SCROLL ] { 32 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -1484,8 +1489,8 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\COPY ] {
- Constants [2] {
- Constant [ integer FROM_STDIN ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer TO_STDOUT ] { 1 }
+ Constant [ public integer FROM_STDIN ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer TO_STDOUT ] { 1 }
- Static properties [0] {
@@ -1538,10 +1543,10 @@ Extension [ <persistent> extension #175 pq version 2.1.2 ] {
Class [ <internal:pq> class pq\LOB ] {
- Constants [4] {
- Constant [ integer INVALID_OID ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer R ] { 262144 }
- Constant [ integer W ] { 131072 }
- Constant [ integer RW ] { 393216 }
+ Constant [ public integer INVALID_OID ] { 0 }
+ Constant [ public integer R ] { 262144 }
+ Constant [ public integer W ] { 131072 }
+ Constant [ public integer RW ] { 393216 }
- Static properties [0] {
diff --git a/php-pecl-pq.spec b/php-pecl-pq.spec
index b26f2e4..971cae8 100644
--- a/php-pecl-pq.spec
+++ b/php-pecl-pq.spec
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# remirepo spec file for php-pecl-pq
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Remi Collet
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Remi Collet
# License: CC-BY-SA
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
Summary: PostgreSQL client library (libpq) binding
Name: %{?sub_prefix}php-pecl-%{pecl_name}
-Version: 2.1.2
+Version: 2.1.3
%if 0%{?gh_date:1}
Release: 0.6.%{gh_date}git%{gh_short}%{?dist}%{!?scl:%{!?nophptag:%(%{__php} -r 'echo ".".PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.".".PHP_MINOR_VERSION;')}}
-Release: 2%{?dist}%{!?scl:%{!?nophptag:%(%{__php} -r 'echo ".".PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.".".PHP_MINOR_VERSION;')}}
+Release: 1%{?dist}%{!?scl:%{!?nophptag:%(%{__php} -r 'echo ".".PHP_MAJOR_VERSION.".".PHP_MINOR_VERSION;')}}
License: BSD
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ fi
rm ?TS/tests/cancel001.phpt
if ! pkg-config libpq --atleast-version=9.3; then
: ignore some tests only because of "diag" content
rm ?TS/tests/{async003,async004,async005,async006}.phpt
@@ -299,6 +298,9 @@ exit $RET
+* Wed Jan 10 2018 Remi Collet <> - 2.1.3-1
+- Update to 2.1.3 (stable)
* Tue Jul 18 2017 Remi Collet <> - 2.1.2-2
- rebuild for PHP 7.2.0beta1 new API