path: root/REFLECTION
diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2017-02-17 07:52:19 +0100
committerRemi Collet <>2017-02-17 07:52:19 +0100
commit8086645e2b12e86584fee86fcfd18008e46537d0 (patch)
tree707d834872009a113062fc008981f36708a4ee80 /REFLECTION
parentbae38d3d029b998088d3f5be64083e7e85b38074 (diff)
php-pecl-amqp: switch the spec
Diffstat (limited to 'REFLECTION')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1207 deletions
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c8f4c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1207 +0,0 @@
-Extension [ <persistent> extension #72 amqp version 1.7.1 ] {
- - INI {
- Entry [ <ALL> ]
- Current = 'localhost'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.vhost <ALL> ]
- Current = '/'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.port <ALL> ]
- Current = '5672'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.timeout <ALL> ]
- Current = ''
- }
- Entry [ amqp.read_timeout <ALL> ]
- Current = '0'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.write_timeout <ALL> ]
- Current = '0'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.connect_timeout <ALL> ]
- Current = '0'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.login <ALL> ]
- Current = 'guest'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.password <ALL> ]
- Current = 'guest'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.auto_ack <ALL> ]
- Current = '0'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.prefetch_count <ALL> ]
- Current = '3'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.channel_max <ALL> ]
- Current = '256'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.frame_max <ALL> ]
- Current = '131072'
- }
- Entry [ amqp.heartbeat <ALL> ]
- Current = '0'
- }
- }
- - Constants [22] {
- Constant [ integer AMQP_NOPARAM ] { 0 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_JUST_CONSUME ] { 1 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_DURABLE ] { 2 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_PASSIVE ] { 4 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_EXCLUSIVE ] { 8 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_AUTODELETE ] { 16 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_INTERNAL ] { 32 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_NOLOCAL ] { 64 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_AUTOACK ] { 128 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_IFEMPTY ] { 256 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_IFUNUSED ] { 512 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_MANDATORY ] { 1024 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_IMMEDIATE ] { 2048 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_MULTIPLE ] { 4096 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_NOWAIT ] { 8192 }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_REQUEUE ] { 16384 }
- Constant [ string AMQP_EX_TYPE_DIRECT ] { direct }
- Constant [ string AMQP_EX_TYPE_FANOUT ] { fanout }
- Constant [ string AMQP_EX_TYPE_TOPIC ] { topic }
- Constant [ string AMQP_EX_TYPE_HEADERS ] { headers }
- Constant [ integer AMQP_OS_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_ERRNO ] { 536870923 }
- Constant [ integer PHP_AMQP_MAX_CHANNELS ] { 256 }
- }
- - Classes [10] {
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPConnection ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [11] {
- Property [ <default> private $login ]
- Property [ <default> private $password ]
- Property [ <default> private $host ]
- Property [ <default> private $vhost ]
- Property [ <default> private $port ]
- Property [ <default> private $read_timeout ]
- Property [ <default> private $write_timeout ]
- Property [ <default> private $connect_timeout ]
- Property [ <default> private $channel_max ]
- Property [ <default> private $frame_max ]
- Property [ <default> private $heartbeat ]
- }
- - Methods [29] {
- Method [ <internal:amqp, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> array $credentials ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method isConnected ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method connect ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method pconnect ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method pdisconnect ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method disconnect ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method reconnect ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method preconnect ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getLogin ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setLogin ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $login ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getPassword ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setPassword ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $password ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getHost ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setHost ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $host ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getPort ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setPort ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $port ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getVhost ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setVhost ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $vhost ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getTimeout ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setTimeout ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $timeout ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getReadTimeout ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setReadTimeout ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $timeout ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getWriteTimeout ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setWriteTimeout ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $timeout ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getUsedChannels ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getMaxChannels ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method isPersistent ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getHeartbeatInterval ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getMaxFrameSize ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPChannel ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [3] {
- Property [ <default> private $connection ]
- Property [ <default> private $prefetch_count ]
- Property [ <default> private $prefetch_size ]
- }
- - Methods [13] {
- Method [ <internal:amqp, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> AMQPConnection $amqp_connection ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method isConnected ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getChannelId ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setPrefetchSize ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $size ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getPrefetchSize ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setPrefetchCount ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $count ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getPrefetchCount ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method qos ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $size ]
- Parameter #1 [ <required> $count ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method startTransaction ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method commitTransaction ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method rollbackTransaction ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getConnection ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method basicRecover ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $requeue ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPQueue ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [9] {
- Property [ <default> private $connection ]
- Property [ <default> private $channel ]
- Property [ <default> private $name ]
- Property [ <default> private $consumer_tag ]
- Property [ <default> private $passive ]
- Property [ <default> private $durable ]
- Property [ <default> private $exclusive ]
- Property [ <default> private $auto_delete ]
- Property [ <default> private $arguments ]
- }
- - Methods [25] {
- Method [ <internal:amqp, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> AMQPChannel $amqp_channel ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getName ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setName ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $queue_name ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getFlags ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setFlags ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getArgument ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $argument ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getArguments ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setArgument ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $key ]
- Parameter #1 [ <required> $value ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setArguments ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> array $arguments ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method hasArgument ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $key ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method declareQueue ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method bind ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $exchange_name ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $routing_key ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $arguments ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method get ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method consume ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $callback ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $flags ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $consumer_tag ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method ack ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $delivery_tag ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method nack ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $delivery_tag ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method reject ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $delivery_tag ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method purge ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method cancel ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $consumer_tag ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method delete ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method unbind ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $exchange_name ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $routing_key ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $arguments ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getChannel ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getConnection ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getConsumerTag ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal, deprecated:amqp> public method declare ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPExchange ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [9] {
- Property [ <default> private $connection ]
- Property [ <default> private $channel ]
- Property [ <default> private $name ]
- Property [ <default> private $type ]
- Property [ <default> private $passive ]
- Property [ <default> private $durable ]
- Property [ <default> private $auto_delete ]
- Property [ <default> private $internal ]
- Property [ <default> private $arguments ]
- }
- - Methods [20] {
- Method [ <internal:amqp, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> AMQPChannel $amqp_channel ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getName ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setName ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $exchange_name ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getFlags ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setFlags ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getType ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setType ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $exchange_type ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getArgument ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $argument ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getArguments ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setArgument ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $key ]
- Parameter #1 [ <required> $value ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method setArguments ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> array $arguments ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method hasArgument ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $argument ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method declareExchange ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method bind ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $exchange_name ]
- Parameter #1 [ <required> $routing_key ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method unbind ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $exchange_name ]
- Parameter #1 [ <required> $routing_key ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method delete ] {
- - Parameters [2] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $exchange_name ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $flags ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method publish ] {
- - Parameters [4] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $message ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $routing_key ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $flags ]
- Parameter #3 [ <optional> array $headers ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getChannel ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getConnection ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal, deprecated:amqp> public method declare ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPEnvelope ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [18] {
- Property [ <default> private $body ]
- Property [ <default> private $delivery_tag ]
- Property [ <default> private $is_redelivery ]
- Property [ <default> private $exchange_name ]
- Property [ <default> private $routing_key ]
- Property [ <default> private $content_type ]
- Property [ <default> private $content_encoding ]
- Property [ <default> private $headers ]
- Property [ <default> private $delivery_mode ]
- Property [ <default> private $priority ]
- Property [ <default> private $correlation_id ]
- Property [ <default> private $reply_to ]
- Property [ <default> private $expiration ]
- Property [ <default> private $message_id ]
- Property [ <default> private $timestamp ]
- Property [ <default> private $type ]
- Property [ <default> private $user_id ]
- Property [ <default> private $app_id ]
- }
- - Methods [21] {
- Method [ <internal:amqp, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getBody ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getRoutingKey ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getDeliveryTag ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getDeliveryMode ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getExchangeName ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method isRedelivery ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getContentType ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getContentEncoding ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getType ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getTimestamp ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getPriority ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getExpiration ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getUserId ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getAppId ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getMessageId ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getReplyTo ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getCorrelationId ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getHeaders ] {
- - Parameters [0] {
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method getHeader ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $name ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:amqp> public method hasHeader ] {
- - Parameters [1] {
- Parameter #0 [ <required> $name ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPException extends Exception implements Throwable ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [4] {
- Property [ <default> protected $message ]
- Property [ <default> protected $code ]
- Property [ <default> protected $file ]
- Property [ <default> protected $line ]
- }
- - Methods [10] {
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $message ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $code ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $previous ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception> public method __wakeup ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getMessage ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getCode ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getFile ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getLine ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTrace ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getPrevious ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTraceAsString ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> public method __toString ] {
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPConnectionException extends AMQPException implements Throwable ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [4] {
- Property [ <default> protected $message ]
- Property [ <default> protected $code ]
- Property [ <default> protected $file ]
- Property [ <default> protected $line ]
- }
- - Methods [10] {
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $message ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $code ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $previous ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception> public method __wakeup ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getMessage ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getCode ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getFile ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getLine ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTrace ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getPrevious ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTraceAsString ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> public method __toString ] {
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPChannelException extends AMQPException implements Throwable ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [4] {
- Property [ <default> protected $message ]
- Property [ <default> protected $code ]
- Property [ <default> protected $file ]
- Property [ <default> protected $line ]
- }
- - Methods [10] {
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $message ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $code ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $previous ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception> public method __wakeup ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getMessage ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getCode ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getFile ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getLine ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTrace ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getPrevious ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTraceAsString ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> public method __toString ] {
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPQueueException extends AMQPException implements Throwable ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [4] {
- Property [ <default> protected $message ]
- Property [ <default> protected $code ]
- Property [ <default> protected $file ]
- Property [ <default> protected $line ]
- }
- - Methods [10] {
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $message ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $code ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $previous ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception> public method __wakeup ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getMessage ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getCode ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getFile ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getLine ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTrace ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getPrevious ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTraceAsString ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> public method __toString ] {
- }
- }
- }
- Class [ <internal:amqp> class AMQPExchangeException extends AMQPException implements Throwable ] {
- - Constants [0] {
- }
- - Static properties [0] {
- }
- - Static methods [0] {
- }
- - Properties [4] {
- Property [ <default> protected $message ]
- Property [ <default> protected $code ]
- Property [ <default> protected $file ]
- Property [ <default> protected $line ]
- }
- - Methods [10] {
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, ctor> public method __construct ] {
- - Parameters [3] {
- Parameter #0 [ <optional> $message ]
- Parameter #1 [ <optional> $code ]
- Parameter #2 [ <optional> $previous ]
- }
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception> public method __wakeup ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getMessage ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getCode ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getFile ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getLine ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTrace ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getPrevious ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> final public method getTraceAsString ] {
- }
- Method [ <internal:Core, inherits Exception, prototype Throwable> public method __toString ] {
- }
- }
- }
- }