diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2015-02-24 09:06:55 +0100
committerRemi Collet <>2015-02-24 09:06:55 +0100
commit574ab7d3057138f6d5d61266d4aec1531947e83a (patch)
php-natxet-cssmin: import from rawhide
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/php-natxet-cssmin.spec b/php-natxet-cssmin.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64c5677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/php-natxet-cssmin.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+%global github_owner natxet
+%global github_name CssMin
+%global github_version 3.0.2
+%global github_commit 8883d28cd2de131c364f2f657e4bcc09bfa45082
+# if set, will be a post-release snapshot build, otherwise a 'normal' build
+%global github_date 20141229
+%global shortcommit %(c=%{github_commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
+%global packagist_owner natxet
+%global packagist_name CssMin
+%global lcname %(echo %{packagist_name} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
+# phpci
+%global php_min_ver 5.0.0
+Name: php-%{packagist_owner}-%{lcname}
+Version: %{github_version}
+Release: 2%{?github_date:.%{github_date}git%{shortcommit}}%{?dist}
+Summary: Configurable CSS parser and minifier
+Group: Development/Libraries
+# License text is included in the sole code file
+License: MIT
+# Must use commit-based not tag-based github tarball:
+BuildArch: noarch
+Requires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver}
+Requires: php-pcre
+Provides: php-composer(%{packagist_owner}/%{packagist_name}) = %{version}
+CssMin is a css parser and minifier. It minifies css by removing
+unneeded whitespace characters, comments, empty blocks and empty
+declarations. In addition declaration values can get rewritten to
+shorter notation if available. The minification is configurable.
+%setup -qn %{github_name}-%{github_commit}
+# Empty build section, nothing required
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php/%{packagist_owner}/%{packagist_name}
+cp -pr src/ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php/%{packagist_owner}/%{packagist_name}
+# no tests
+%doc README composer.json
+* Mon Feb 23 2015 Adam Williamson <> - 3.0.2-2.20141229git8883d28
+- change layout to match upstream's (with the /src sub-directory)
+* Mon Dec 29 2014 Adam Williamson <> - 3.0.2-1.20141229git8883d28
+- initial package