diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2014-01-11 15:25:11 +0100
committerRemi Collet <>2014-01-11 15:25:11 +0100
commit2edc0576a24fe408a4a3aa8a8c345f7c7514a176 (patch)
php-doctrine-cache: import from rawhide
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/php-doctrine-cache.spec b/php-doctrine-cache.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a9e102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/php-doctrine-cache.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+%global github_owner doctrine
+%global github_name cache
+%global github_version 1.3.0
+%global github_commit e16d7adf45664a50fa86f515b6d5e7f670130449
+# "php": ">=5.3.2"
+%global php_min_ver 5.3.2
+# "phpunit/phpunit": ">=3.7"
+%global phpunit_min_ver 3.7
+%global summary_base Doctrine Cache
+Name: php-%{github_owner}-%{github_name}
+Version: %{github_version}
+Release: 2%{?dist}
+Summary: %{summary_base}
+Group: Development/Libraries
+License: MIT
+Source0: %{url}/archive/%{github_commit}/%{name}-%{github_version}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz
+BuildArch: noarch
+# For tests
+BuildRequires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver}
+BuildRequires: php-pear( >= %{phpunit_min_ver}
+# For tests: phpcompatinfo (computed from v1.3.0)
+BuildRequires: php-date
+BuildRequires: php-hash
+BuildRequires: php-pcre
+BuildRequires: php-reflection
+BuildRequires: php-spl
+Requires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver}
+# phpcompatinfo (computed from git commit v1.3.0)
+Requires: php-date
+Requires: php-hash
+Requires: php-pcre
+Requires: php-spl
+# Extracted from Doctrine Common as of version 2.4
+Conflicts: php-pear( < 2.4
+Cache component extracted from the Doctrine Common project.
+* APC (php-pecl-apc)
+* Couchbase (
+* Memcache (php-pecl-memcache)
+* Memcached (php-pecl-memcached)
+* MongoDB (php-pecl-mongo)
+* Redis (php-pecl-redis)
+* Riak (
+* XCache (php-xcache)
+%setup -q -n %{github_name}-%{github_commit}
+# Remove files that will never be used
+find . -name '*WinCache*' -delete
+find . -name '*ZendDataCache*' -delete
+# Empty build section, nothing required
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/php
+cp -rp lib/* %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/php/
+# Create tests' init
+cat > tests/Doctrine/Tests/TestInit.php <<'TESTINIT'
+namespace Doctrine\Tests;
+spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
+ $src = str_replace('\\', '/', str_replace('_', '/', $class)).'.php';
+ @include_once $src;
+# Create PHPUnit config w/ colors turned off
+cat phpunit.xml.dist \
+ | sed 's/colors="true"/colors="false"/' \
+ > phpunit.xml
+# Skip tests requiring a server to connect to
+rm -f \
+ tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Cache/CouchbaseCacheTest.php \
+ tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Cache/MongoDBCacheTest.php \
+ tests/Doctrine/Tests/Common/Cache/RiakCacheTest.php
+%{_bindir}/phpunit --include-path ./lib:./tests -d date.timezone="UTC"
+%doc LICENSE *.md composer.json
+%dir %{_datadir}/php/Doctrine
+%dir %{_datadir}/php/Doctrine/Common
+ %{_datadir}/php/Doctrine/Common/Cache
+* Fri Jan 03 2014 Shawn Iwinski <> 1.3.0-2
+- Conditional %%{?dist}
+- Removed sub-packages
+- Skip all tests requiring a server to connect to
+* Mon Dec 23 2013 Shawn Iwinski <> 1.3.0-1
+- Initial package