# xpass extension for PHP This extension provides password hashing algorithms used by Linux distributions. * **sha512** (`$6$`) provided for legacy as used on some old distributions (ex: RHEL-8) * **yescrypt** (`$y$`) used on modern distributions Notices: these are fast, don't expect high security level. **Computation time** * bcrypt: 0.33" * argon2i: 0.53" * argon2id: 0.55" * sha512: 0.01" * yescrypt: 0,08" # Sources * Official git repository: https://git.remirepo.net/cgit/tools/php-xpass.git/ * Mirror on github for contributors: https://github.com/remicollet/php-xpass # Build Compatible with PHP 8.0 or greater. You need the Extended crypt library development files (libxcrypt-devel) version 4.4 or greater. From the sources tree $ phpize $ ./configure --enable-xpass $ make $ make test # Usage ## password hashing and verifying $ php -a php > var_dump($hash = password_hash("secret", PASSWORD_YESCRYPT)); string(73) "$y$j9T$X9Va6i3zHjyKGJAskYZPv.$i1m/WR1C6/tqhB7IdOsi9Ar1JF4Qr38vBx104ao1OS5" php > var_dump(password_verify("secret", $hash)); bool(true) ## supported options * `cost` controls the CPU time cost of the hash. If `cost` is 0, a low default cost will be selected. # LICENSE Author: Remi Collet This extension is licensed under [The PHP License, version 3.01](http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt) # History Created on user request