rpminfo pecl.php.net RPM information Retrieve RPM information using librpm. Remi Collet remi remi@php.net yes 2018-02-08 0.1.3dev 0.1.0 alpha alpha PHP 3.01 - new function: array rpmdbinfo(string name [, bool full]); 7.0.0 1.10.0 rpminfo 2018-02-08 0.1.3dev 0.1.0 alpha alpha PHP 3.01 - first pecl release - rpminfo(): add option to retrieve error message instead of raising a warning 2018-01-26 0.1.1 0.1.0 alpha alpha PHP 3.01 - fix segfault in ZTS mode - define RPMVERSION constant 2018-01-26 0.1.0 0.1.0 beta beta PHP 3.01 - first release with 2 functions: int rpmvercmp(string evr1, string evr2); array rpminfo(string path [, bool full]);