%{!?__pear: %{expand: %%global __pear %{_bindir}/pear}} %global pear_channel pear.symfony.com %global pear_name %(echo %{name} | sed -e 's/^php-symfony2-//' -e 's/-/_/g') Name: php-symfony2-EventDispatcher Version: 2.0.17 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Symfony2 %{pear_name} Component Group: Development/Libraries License: MIT URL: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/event_dispatcher/index.html Source0: http://%{pear_channel}/get/%{pear_name}-%{version}.tgz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: php-pear(PEAR) BuildRequires: php-channel(%{pear_channel}) Requires: php-common >= 5.3.2 Requires: php-pear(PEAR) Requires: php-channel(%{pear_channel}) Requires(post): %{__pear} Requires(postun): %{__pear} # No phpci requires Provides: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/%{pear_name}) = %{version} %description The Symfony2 Event Dispatcher component implements the Observer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern) pattern in a simple and effective way to make all these things possible and to make your projects truly extensible. Take a simple example from the Symfony2 HttpKernel component. Once a Response object has been created, it may be useful to allow other elements in the system to modify it (e.g. add some cache headers) before it's actually used. To make this possible, the Symfony2 kernel throws an event - kernel.response. Here's how it works: * A listener (PHP object) tells a central dispatcher object that it wants to listen to the kernel.response event; * At some point, the Symfony2 kernel tells the dispatcher object to dispatch the kernel.response event, passing with it an Event object that has access to the Response object; * The dispatcher notifies (i.e. calls a method on) all listeners of the kernel.response event, allowing each of them to make modifications to the Response object. %prep %setup -q -c # package.xml is version 2.0 mv package.xml %{pear_name}-%{version}/%{name}.xml %build # Empty build section, nothing required. %install cd %{pear_name}-%{version} %{__pear} install --nodeps --packagingroot $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{name}.xml # Clean up unnecessary files rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pear_phpdir}/.??* # Install XML package description mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pear_xmldir} install -pm 644 %{name}.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pear_xmldir} %post %{__pear} install --nodeps --soft --force --register-only \ %{pear_xmldir}/%{name}.xml >/dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then %{__pear} uninstall --nodeps --ignore-errors --register-only \ %{pear_channel}/%{pear_name} >/dev/null || : fi %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{pear_docdir}/%{pear_name} %{pear_xmldir}/%{name}.xml %dir %{pear_phpdir}/Symfony %dir %{pear_phpdir}/Symfony/Component %{pear_phpdir}/Symfony/Component/%{pear_name} %changelog * Sat Sep 15 2012 Remi Collet 2.0.17-1 - Update to 2.0.17, backport for remi repository * Sat Sep 15 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.17-1 - Updated to upstream version 2.0.17 * Tue Jul 17 2012 Remi Collet 2.0.16-1 - Update to 2.0.16, backport for remi repository * Sun Jul 15 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.16-1 - Updated to upstream version 2.0.16 - Updated URL - Minor syntax updates * Tue Jun 12 2012 Remi Collet 2.0.15-1 - rebuild for remi repository * Wed May 30 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.15-1 - Updated to upstream version 2.0.15 - Removed "BuildRequires: php-pear >= 1:1.4.9-1.2" - Updated %%prep section - Removed cleaning buildroot from %%install section - Removed documentation move from %%install section (fixed upstream) - Removed %%clean section - Updated %%doc in %%files section * Sun May 20 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.14-3 - Moved documentation to correct location * Sun May 20 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.14-2 - Removed BuildRoot - Changed php require to php-common - Removed %%defattr from %%files section * Fri May 18 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.14-1 - Updated to upstream version 2.0.14 - %%global instead of %%define - Removed unnecessary cd from %%build section * Wed May 2 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.13-1 - Updated to upstream version 2.0.13 * Sat Apr 21 2012 Shawn Iwinski 2.0.12-1 - Initial package