# remirepo spec file for php-stecman-symfony-console-completion, from: # # Fedora spec file for php-stecman-symfony-console-completion # # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Shawn Iwinski # # License: MIT # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # # Please preserve changelog entries # %global github_owner stecman %global github_name symfony-console-completion %global github_version 0.10.1 %global github_commit 7bfa9b93e216896419f2f8de659935d7e04fecd8 %global composer_vendor stecman %global composer_project symfony-console-completion # "php": ">=5.3.2" %global php_min_ver 5.3.2 # "symfony/console": "~2.3 || ~3.0 || ~4.0" # NOTE: Min version not 2.3 because autoloader required %global symfony_min_ver %{?el6:2.3.31}%{!?el6:2.7.1} %global symfony_max_ver 5.0 # Build using "--without tests" to disable tests %global with_tests 0%{!?_without_tests:1} %{!?phpdir: %global phpdir %{_datadir}/php} Name: php-%{composer_vendor}-%{composer_project} Version: %{github_version} Release: 2%{?github_release}%{?dist} Summary: Automatic BASH completion for Symfony Console based applications License: MIT URL: https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{github_name} Source0: %{url}/archive/%{github_commit}/%{name}-%{github_version}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch # Tests %if %{with_tests} ## composer.json BuildRequires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpunit/phpunit) %if 0%{?fedora} >= 27 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 BuildRequires: (php-composer(symfony/console) >= %{symfony_min_ver} with php-composer(symfony/console) < %{symfony_max_ver}) %else BuildRequires: php-symfony3-console %endif ## phpcompatinfo for version 0.10.1 BuildRequires: php-pcre BuildRequires: php-reflection BuildRequires: php-spl ## Autoloader BuildRequires: php-composer(fedora/autoloader) %endif # composer.json Requires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} %if 0%{?fedora} >= 27 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: (php-composer(symfony/console) >= %{symfony_min_ver} with php-composer(symfony/console) < %{symfony_max_ver}) %else Requires: php-composer(symfony/console) < %{symfony_max_ver} Requires: php-composer(symfony/console) >= %{symfony_min_ver} %endif # phpcompatinfo for version 0.10.1 Requires: php-pcre Requires: php-spl # Autoloader Requires: php-composer(fedora/autoloader) # Composer Provides: php-composer(%{composer_vendor}/%{composer_project}) = %{version} %description This package provides automatic (tab) completion in BASH and ZSH for Symfony Console Component based applications. With zero configuration, this package allows completion of available command names and the options they provide. User code can define custom completion behaviour for argument and option values. Autoloader: %{phpdir}/Stecman/Component/Symfony/Console/BashCompletion/autoload.php %prep %setup -qn %{github_name}-%{github_commit} %build : Create autoloader cat <<'AUTOLOAD' | tee src/autoload.php = 4.4 sed \ -e 's/function testCompleteDoubleDash/function SKIP_testCompleteDoubleDash/' \ -e 's/function testCompleteOptionFull/function SKIP_testCompleteOptionFull/' \ -e 's/function testCompleteOptionShortcutFirst/function SKIP_testCompleteOptionShortcutFirst/' \ -i tests/Stecman/Component/Symfony/Console/BashCompletion/CompletionHandlerTest.php %endif : Upstream tests RETURN_CODE=0 PHPUNIT=$(which phpunit) for PHP_EXEC in "" %{?rhel:php54 php55 php56 php70} php71 php72 php73 php74; do if [ -z "$PHP_EXEC" ] || which $PHP_EXEC; then $PHP_EXEC $PHPUNIT --verbose --bootstrap bootstrap.php || RETURN_CODE=1 fi done exit $RETURN_CODE %else : Tests skipped %endif %files %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc} %license LICENCE %doc *.md %doc composer.json %dir %{phpdir}/Stecman %dir %{phpdir}/Stecman/Component %dir %{phpdir}/Stecman/Component/Symfony %dir %{phpdir}/Stecman/Component/Symfony/Console %{phpdir}/Stecman/Component/Symfony/Console/BashCompletion %changelog * Tue May 14 2019 Shawn Iwinski - 0.10.1-2 - Fix EPEL6 build * Tue May 14 2019 Shawn Iwinski - 0.10.1-1 - Update to 0.10.1 (RHBZ #1562562) - Add range version dependencies for Fedora >= 27 || RHEL >= 8 * Fri Nov 03 2017 Shawn Iwinski - 0.7.0-2 - Remove rename of license file * Thu Oct 26 2017 Shawn Iwinski - 0.7.0-1 - Initial package