==== PHP 5.5.38-5 (2016-11-09) $ grep -r 'Tests failed' /var/lib/mock/*/build.log /var/lib/mock/el5i/build.log:Tests failed : 8 /var/lib/mock/el5x/build.log:Tests failed : 6 /var/lib/mock/el6i/build.log:Tests failed : 6 /var/lib/mock/el6x/build.log:Tests failed : 3 /var/lib/mock/el7x/build.log:Tests failed : 3 el5i, el5x Bug #64802: openssl_x509_parse fails to parse subject properly in some cases [ext/openssl/tests/bug64802.phpt] Bug #66501: EC private key support in openssl_sign [ext/openssl/tests/bug66501.phpt] openssl_x509_parse() basic test for OpenSSL 0.9 [ext/openssl/tests/openssl_x509_parse_basic_v9.phpt] el6i Bug #54268 (Double free when destroy_zend_class fails) [Zend/tests/bug54268.phpt] el5i, el6i Bug #53437 DateInterval unserialize bad data, 32 bit [ext/date/tests/bug53437_var3.phpt] Bug #64146 (serialize incorrectly saving objects when they are cloned) [ext/standard/tests/serialize/bug64146.phpt] el5i, el5x, el6i, el6x, el7x Bug #20382 [2] (strtotime ("Monday", $date) produces wrong result on DST changeover) [ext/date/tests/bug20382-2.phpt] Bug #33414 [1] (Comprehensive list of incorrect days returned after strotime() / date() tests) [ext/date/tests/bug33414-1.phpt] Bug #33415 [1] (Possibly invalid non-one-hour DST or timezone shifts) [ext/date/tests/bug33415-1.phpt]