vips vips property => value Vips headers version => 8.12.2 Vips library version => 8.12.2 Vips ABI version => 56.2.14 Major version => 8 Minor version => 12 Micro version => 2 Cache max mem => 104857600 Cache max operations => 100 Cache current operations => 0 Cache max open files => 100 Memory allocations => 0 Memory currently allocated => 0 Memory high water => 0 Concurrency => 16 SIMD support with liborc => yes JPEG support => yes PNG support => yes TIFF support => yes GIF support => yes OpenEXR support => yes load OpenSlide => yes load Matlab => yes load PDF => yes load SVG => yes FITS support => yes WebP support => yes HEIF support => yes load with libMagick => yes Text rendering support => yes ICC profile support with lcms => yes