extension=qb.so [qb] ; Indicates whether the use of memory-mapped file is permitted qb.allow_memory_map=On ; Indicates whether bytecode interpretation is permitted qb.allow_bytecode_interpretation=On ; Indicates whether compilation to native code is permitted qb.allow_native_compilation=Off ; Tells QB to compile functions to native code qb.compile_to_native=Off ; Sets the path to the folder where native code object files are stored ; The default is the operation system's temporary folder qb.native_code_cache_path= ; Sets the path to the C compiler ; The default is "gcc" on Unix and "cl.exe" on Windows qb.compiler_path= ; Sets the PATH environment for compiler qb.compiler_env_path= ; Allows debug_backtrace() to see QB function calls qb.allow_debug_backtrace=Off ; Allows xdebug to see variables inside QB functions qb.allow_debugger_inspection=On ; Specifies whether QB should always send the variable type or not qb.debug_with_exact_type=Off ; Whether to use column-major matrix convention instead of row-major qb.column_major_matrix=Off ; The number of execution threads (0 means the number of CPU on the system) qb.thread_count=0