; Enable mysqlnd_qc extension module extension=mysqlnd_ms.so ; Configuration documentation ; http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqlnd-ms.configuration.php ; Enables or disables the plugin. If set to disabled, the extension ; will not plug into mysqlnd to proxy internal mysqlnd C API calls. ;mysqlnd_ms.enable = 0 ; If enabled the plugin checks if the host (server) parameter value of ; any MySQL connection attempt matches a section name from the plugin ; configuration file. If not, the connection attempt is blocked. ;mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage = 0 ; Plugin specific configuration file. ; This setting superseeds mysqlnd_ms.ini_file since 1.4.0. ;mysqlnd_ms.config_file = "/etc/mysqlnd_ms.json" ; Enables or disables the collection of statistics. The collection of ; statistics is disabled by default for performance reasons. ; Statistics are returned by the function mysqlnd_ms_get_stats(). ;mysqlnd_ms.collect_statistics = 0 ; Enables or disables support of MySQL multi master replication setups. ; This feature is experimental. It will not be documented before reasonable ; stability has been achieved. It is meant for development only. ;mysqlnd_ms.multi_master = 0 ; Enables or disables built-in read write splitting. ; Controls whether load balancing and lazy connection functionality can be used ; independently of read write splitting. If read write splitting is disabled, ; only servers from the master list will be used for statement execution. ; All configured slave servers will be ignored. ;mysqlnd_ms.disable_rw_split = 0