%{!?__pecl: %{expand: %%global __pecl %{_bindir}/pecl}} %global pecl_name APC Summary: APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate code Name: php-pecl-apc Version: 3.1.12 Release: 2%{?dist} License: PHP Group: Development/Languages URL: http://pecl.php.net/package/APC Source: http://pecl.php.net/get/APC-%{version}.tgz # Upstream patch from SVN. # http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=327233 # http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=327244 Patch0: apc-svn.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root BuildRequires: php-devel >= 5.1.0, httpd-devel, php-pear, pcre-devel Requires(post): %{__pecl} Requires(postun): %{__pecl} Requires: php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api} Requires: php(api) = %{php_core_api} Conflicts: php-mmcache php-eaccelerator Provides: php-pecl(%{pecl_name}) = %{version} Provides: php-pecl(%{pecl_name})%{?_isa} = %{version} # RPM 4.8 %{?filter_provides_in: %filter_provides_in %{_libdir}/.*\.so$} %{?filter_setup} # RPM 4.9 %global __provides_exclude_from %{?__provides_exclude_from:%__provides_exclude_from|}%{_libdir}/.*\\.so$ %description APC is a free, open, and robust framework for caching and optimizing PHP intermediate code. %package devel Summary: APC developer files (header) Group: Development/Libraries Requires: php-pecl-apc%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: php-devel%{?_isa} %description devel These are the files needed to compile programs using APC serializer. %prep %setup -q -c cd APC-%{version} %patch0 -p3 -b .orig # There are currently some failed tests # which requires dom extension, so drop them for now. rm -f tests/apc54_00{3,8,9}.phpt # Sanity check, really often broken extver=$(sed -n '/#define PHP_APC_VERSION/{s/.* "//;s/".*$//;p}' php_apc.h) if test "x${extver}" != "x%{version}"; then : Error: Upstream extension version is ${extver}, expecting %{version}. exit 1 fi cd .. %if 0%{?__ztsphp:1} # duplicate for ZTS build cp -pr APC-%{version} APC-%{version}-zts %endif # Drop in the bit of configuration cat > apc.ini << 'EOF' ; Enable apc extension module extension = apc.so ; Options for the APC module version >= 3.1.3 ; See http://www.php.net/manual/en/apc.configuration.php ; This can be set to 0 to disable APC. apc.enabled=1 ; The number of shared memory segments to allocate for the compiler cache. apc.shm_segments=1 ; The size of each shared memory segment, with M/G suffixe apc.shm_size=64M ; A "hint" about the number of distinct source files that will be included or ; requested on your web server. Set to zero or omit if you are not sure; apc.num_files_hint=1024 ; Just like num_files_hint, a "hint" about the number of distinct user cache ; variables to store. Set to zero or omit if you are not sure; apc.user_entries_hint=4096 ; The number of seconds a cache entry is allowed to idle in a slot in case this ; cache entry slot is needed by another entry. apc.ttl=7200 ; use the SAPI request start time for TTL apc.use_request_time=1 ; The number of seconds a user cache entry is allowed to idle in a slot in case ; this cache entry slot is needed by another entry. apc.user_ttl=7200 ; The number of seconds that a cache entry may remain on the garbage-collection list. apc.gc_ttl=3600 ; On by default, but can be set to off and used in conjunction with positive ; apc.filters so that files are only cached if matched by a positive filter. apc.cache_by_default=1 ; A comma-separated list of POSIX extended regular expressions. apc.filters ; The mktemp-style file_mask to pass to the mmap module apc.mmap_file_mask=/tmp/apc.XXXXXX ; This file_update_protection setting puts a delay on caching brand new files. apc.file_update_protection=2 ; Setting this enables APC for the CLI version of PHP (Mostly for testing and debugging). apc.enable_cli=0 ; Prevents large files from being cached apc.max_file_size=1M ; Whether to stat the main script file and the fullpath includes. apc.stat=1 ; Vertification with ctime will avoid problems caused by programs such as svn or rsync by making ; sure inodes have not changed since the last stat. APC will normally only check mtime. apc.stat_ctime=0 ; Whether to canonicalize paths in stat=0 mode or fall back to stat behaviour apc.canonicalize=0 ; With write_lock enabled, only one process at a time will try to compile an ; uncached script while the other processes will run uncached apc.write_lock=1 ; Logs any scripts that were automatically excluded from being cached due to early/late binding issues. apc.report_autofilter=0 ; RFC1867 File Upload Progress hook handler apc.rfc1867=0 apc.rfc1867_prefix =upload_ apc.rfc1867_name=APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS apc.rfc1867_freq=0 apc.rfc1867_ttl=3600 ; Optimize include_once and require_once calls and avoid the expensive system calls used. apc.include_once_override=0 apc.lazy_classes=0 apc.lazy_functions=0 ; Enables APC handling of signals, such as SIGSEGV, that write core files when signaled. ; APC will attempt to unmap the shared memory segment in order to exclude it from the core file apc.coredump_unmap=0 ; Records a md5 hash of files. apc.file_md5=0 ; not documented apc.preload_path EOF %build cd APC-%{version} %{_bindir}/phpize %configure --enable-apc-mmap --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/php-config make %{?_smp_mflags} %if 0%{?__ztsphp:1} cd ../APC-%{version}-zts %{_bindir}/zts-phpize %configure --enable-apc-mmap --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/zts-php-config make %{?_smp_mflags} %endif %install rm -rf %{buildroot} # Install the NTS stuff pushd APC-%{version} make install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} # Fix the charset of NOTICE iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf8 NOTICE >NOTICE.utf8 mv NOTICE.utf8 NOTICE popd install -D -m 644 apc.ini %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php.d/apc.ini # Install the ZTS stuff %if 0%{?__ztsphp:1} pushd APC-%{version}-zts make install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} popd install -D -m 644 apc.ini %{buildroot}%{php_ztsinidir}/apc.ini %endif # Install the package XML file install -D -m 644 package.xml %{buildroot}%{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml %check cd %{pecl_name}-%{version} TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=%{_bindir}/php \ REPORT_EXIT_STATUS=1 \ %{_bindir}/php run-tests.php \ -n -q -d extension_dir=modules \ -d extension=apc.so %if 0%{?__ztsphp:1} cd ../%{pecl_name}-%{version}-zts TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=%{__ztsphp} \ REPORT_EXIT_STATUS=1 \ %{__ztsphp} run-tests.php \ -n -q -d extension_dir=modules \ -d extension=apc.so %endif %post %{pecl_install} %{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml >/dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then %{pecl_uninstall} %{pecl_name} >/dev/null || : fi %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root, 0755) %doc APC-%{version}/TECHNOTES.txt APC-%{version}/CHANGELOG APC-%{version}/LICENSE %doc APC-%{version}/NOTICE APC-%{version}/TODO APC-%{version}/apc.php %doc APC-%{version}/INSTALL %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/php.d/apc.ini %{php_extdir}/apc.so %{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml %if 0%{?__ztsphp:1} %{php_ztsextdir}/apc.so %config(noreplace) %{php_ztsinidir}/apc.ini %endif %files devel %defattr(-, root, root, 0755) %{_includedir}/php/ext/apc %if 0%{?__ztsphp:1} %{php_ztsincldir}/ext/apc %endif %changelog * Sun Aug 26 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.12-2 - add patches from upstream - delete tests which fail because of missing dom extension * Thu Aug 16 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.12-1 - Version 3.1.12 (beta) - API 3.1.0 (stable) - spec cleanups * Fri Jul 20 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.11-1 - update to 3.1.11 (beta) * Fri Jun 22 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.10-2.1 - sync with rawhide, rebuild for remi repo * Fri Jun 22 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.10-2 - add patches from upstream * Wed Apr 11 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.10-2 - Update to 3.1.10 (beta) for PHP 5.4 * Wed Apr 11 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.10-1 - Update to 3.1.10 (beta) for PHP 5.3 - fix reported version, https://bugs.php.net/61696 * Sun Mar 18 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-8.svn324329 - pull changes from SVN revision 324329 * Mon Mar 12 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-7.svn324146 - pull changes from SVN revision 324146, fix https://bugs.php.net/60658 * Sun Mar 11 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-7.svn324037 - pull changes from SVN revision 324037 - add patch from https://bugs.php.net/61238 * Mon Feb 27 2012 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-6.svn323587 - pull changes from SVN revision 323587 * Sun Nov 13 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-5.svn322617 - pull changes from SVN revision 322617 * Sun Nov 13 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-4.svn316786 - pull changes from SVN revision 316786 - build against php 5.4 * Sat Sep 16 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-3 - rebuild using latest php version and macro * Tue Aug 24 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-2 - build zts extension * Sun May 15 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.9-1 - update to 3.1.9 (bugfix, stable) * Sat May 14 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.8-2 - fix for http://pecl.php.net/bugs/22687 * Tue May 3 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.8-1 - update to 3.1.8 (bugfix, stable) * Thu Feb 17 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.7-1.1 - test rebuild with new Arch specific ABI macro * Wed Jan 12 2011 Remi Collet - 3.1.7-1 - update to 3.1.7 (bugfix) - add devel subpackage (for serializer) * Mon Dec 27 2010 Remi Collet 3.1.6-2 - relocate using phpname macro * Tue Nov 30 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.6-1 - update to 3.1.6 (bugfix) * Wed Nov 03 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.5-2 - fix reported version, see http://pecl.php.net/bugs/19590 * Wed Nov 03 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.5-1 - update to 3.1.5 (bugfix) * Sat Oct 23 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.4-3 - add filter_provides to avoid private-shared-object-provides apc.so * Sun Aug 08 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.4-2 - fix default value for apc.shm_size (need M suffixes) * Thu Aug 05 2010 Remi Collet - 3.1.4-1 - update to Version 3.1.4 (beta) - API 3.1.0 (beta) * Fri Aug 14 2009 Remi Collet - 3.1.3p1-1 - update to 3.1.3 patch1 (beta, for PHP 5.3 support) - add test suite (disabled for http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=16793) - add use_request_time, lazy_classes, lazy_functions options (apc.ini) * Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.2-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jul 12 2009 Remi Collet - 3.1.2-1 - update to 3.1.2 (beta) - PHP 5.3 support - use setup -q -c * Thu Feb 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0.19-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jun 25 2008 Tim Jackson - 3.0.19-1 - Update to 3.0.19 - Fix PHP Zend API/ABI dependencies to work on EL-4/5 - Fix "License" tag - Fix encoding of "NOTICE" file - Add registration via PECL * Mon Feb 18 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0.14-3 - Autorebuild for GCC 4.3 * Tue Aug 28 2007 Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0.14-2 - Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue. * Thu Jun 28 2007 Chris Chabot - 3.0.14-1 - Updated to 3.0.14 - Included new php api snipplets * Fri Sep 15 2006 Chris Chabot - 3.0.12-5 - Updated to new upstream version * Mon Sep 11 2006 Chris Chabot - 3.0.10-5 - FC6 rebuild * Sun Aug 13 2006 Chris Chabot - 3.0.10-4 - FC6T2 rebuild * Mon Jun 19 2006 - Chris Chabot - 3.0.10-3 - Renamed to php-pecl-apc and added provides php-apc - Removed php version string from the package version * Mon Jun 19 2006 - Chris Chabot - 3.0.10-2 - Trimmed down BuildRequires - Added Provices php-pecl(apc) * Sun Jun 18 2006 - Chris Chabot - 3.0.10-1 - Initial package, templated on already existing php-json and php-eaccelerator packages