# remirepo spec file for php-jms-serializer, from # # Fedora spec file for php-jms-serializer # # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Shawn Iwinski # # License: MIT # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # # Please preserve changelog entries # %global github_owner schmittjoh %global github_name serializer %global github_version 1.10.0 %global github_commit 62c7ff6d61f8692eac8be024c542b3d9d0ab8c8a %global composer_vendor jms %global composer_project serializer # "php": ">=5.5.0" %global php_min_ver 5.5.0 # "doctrine/annotations": "^1.0" # NOTE: Min version not 1.0 because autoloader required %global doctrine_annotations_min_ver 1.2.6 %global doctrine_annotations_max_ver 2.0 # "doctrine/instantiator": "^1.0.3" %global doctrine_instantiator_min_ver 1.0.3 %global doctrine_instantiator_max_ver 2.0 # "doctrine/orm": "~2.1" # NOTE: Min version not 2.1 because autoloader required %global doctrine_orm_min_ver 2.4.8 %global doctrine_orm_max_ver 3.0 # "jms/metadata": "~1.1" # NOTE: Min version not 1.1 because autoloader required %global jms_metadata_min_ver 1.6.0 %global jms_metadata_max_ver 2.0 # "jms/parser-lib": "1.*" # NOTE: Min version not 1.0 because autoloader required %global jms_parser_lib_min_ver 1.0.0-7 %global jms_parser_lib_max_ver 2.0 # "phpcollection/phpcollection": "~0.1" # NOTE: Min version not 0.1 because autoloader required %global phpcollection_min_ver 0.5.0 %global phpcollection_max_ver 1.0 # "phpoption/phpoption": "^1.1" # NOTE: Min version not 1.1 because autoloader required %global phpoption_min_ver 1.5.0 %global phpoption_max_ver 2.0 # "psr/container": "^1.0" %global psr_container_min_ver 1.0 %global psr_container_max_ver 2.0 # "symfony/dependency-injection": "^2.7|^3.3|^4.0" # "symfony/expression-language": "^2.6|^3.0" # "symfony/filesystem": "^2.1" # "symfony/form": "~2.1|^3.0" # "symfony/translation": "^2.1|^3.0" # "symfony/validator": "^2.2|^3.0" # "symfony/yaml": "^2.1|^3.0" # NOTE: Min version not 2.6 because autoloader required %global symfony_min_ver 2.7.1 %global symfony_max_ver 4.0 # "twig/twig": "~1.12|~2.0" # NOTE: Min version not 1.12 because autoloader required %global twig_min_ver 1.18.2 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 25 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 %global twig_max_ver 3.0 %else %global twig_max_ver 2.0 %endif # Build using "--without tests" to disable tests %global with_tests 0%{!?_without_tests:1} %{!?phpdir: %global phpdir %{_datadir}/php} Name: php-%{composer_vendor}-%{composer_project} Version: %{github_version} Release: 5%{?github_release}%{?dist} Summary: Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity Group: Development/Libraries License: ASL 2.0 URL: http://jmsyst.com/libs/serializer # GitHub export contains non-allowable licened documentation. # Run php-jms-serializer-get-source.sh to create allowable source. Source0: %{name}-%{github_version}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz Source1: %{name}-get-source.sh BuildArch: noarch # Tests %if %{with_tests} BuildRequires: php-cli ## composer.json BuildRequires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(doctrine/annotations) < %{doctrine_annotations_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(doctrine/annotations) >= %{doctrine_annotations_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(doctrine/instantiator) < %{doctrine_instantiator_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(doctrine/instantiator) >= %{doctrine_instantiator_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(doctrine/orm) < %{doctrine_orm_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(doctrine/orm) >= %{doctrine_orm_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(jms/metadata) < %{jms_metadata_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(jms/metadata) >= %{jms_metadata_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(jms/parser-lib) < %{jms_parser_lib_max_ver} #BuildRequires: php-composer(jms/parser-lib) >= %%{jms_parser_lib_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-JMSParser >= %{jms_parser_lib_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpcollection/phpcollection) < %{phpcollection_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpcollection/phpcollection) >= %{phpcollection_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpoption/phpoption) < %{phpoption_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpoption/phpoption) >= %{phpoption_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpunit/phpunit) BuildRequires: php-composer(psr/container) < %{psr_container_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(psr/container) >= %{psr_container_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/dependency-injection) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/expression-language) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/filesystem) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/form) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/translation) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/validator) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/yaml) < %{symfony_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(twig/twig) < %{twig_max_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(twig/twig) >= %{twig_min_ver} ## phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.7.1) BuildRequires: php-date BuildRequires: php-dom BuildRequires: php-json BuildRequires: php-libxml BuildRequires: php-pcre BuildRequires: php-reflection BuildRequires: php-simplexml BuildRequires: php-spl ## Autoloader BuildRequires: php-composer(fedora/autoloader) %endif # composer.json Requires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(doctrine/annotations) < %{doctrine_annotations_max_ver} Requires: php-composer(doctrine/annotations) >= %{doctrine_annotations_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(doctrine/instantiator) < %{doctrine_instantiator_max_ver} Requires: php-composer(doctrine/instantiator) >= %{doctrine_instantiator_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(jms/metadata) < %{jms_metadata_max_ver} Requires: php-composer(jms/metadata) >= %{jms_metadata_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(jms/parser-lib) < %{jms_parser_lib_max_ver} #Requires: php-composer(jms/parser-lib) >= %%{jms_parser_lib_min_ver} Requires: php-JMSParser >= %{jms_parser_lib_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(phpcollection/phpcollection) < %{phpcollection_max_ver} Requires: php-composer(phpcollection/phpcollection) >= %{phpcollection_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(phpoption/phpoption) < %{phpoption_max_ver} Requires: php-composer(phpoption/phpoption) >= %{phpoption_min_ver} # phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.7.1) Requires: php-date Requires: php-dom Requires: php-json Requires: php-libxml Requires: php-pcre Requires: php-simplexml Requires: php-spl # Autoloader Requires: php-composer(fedora/autoloader) %if 0%{?fedora} >= 21 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 # Weak dependencies Suggests: php-composer(symfony/yaml) Suggests: php-composer(doctrine/collections) Suggests: php-composer(cache) %endif # Composer Provides: php-composer(%{composer_vendor}/%{composer_project}) = %{version} %description This library allows you to (de-)serialize data of any complexity. Currently, it supports XML, JSON, and YAML. It also provides you with a rich tool-set to adapt the output to your specific needs. Built-in features include: * (De-)serialize data of any complexity; circular references are handled gracefully. * Supports many built-in PHP types (such as dates) * Integrates with Doctrine ORM, et. al. * Supports versioning, e.g. for APIs * Configurable via PHP, XML, YAML, or Doctrine Annotations Autoloader: %{phpdir}/JMS/Serializer/autoload.php %prep %setup -qn %{github_name}-%{github_commit} : Remove Propel find . -type f -name '*Propel*' -delete -print sed '/Propel/d' -i src/JMS/Serializer/SerializerBuilder.php : Remove Doctrine PHPCR find . -type f -name '*PHPCR*' -delete -print %build : Create autoloader cat <<'AUTOLOAD' | tee src/JMS/Serializer/autoload.php - 1.10.0-5 - cleanup for EL-8 * Thu Dec 14 2017 Shawn Iwinski - 1.10.0-1 - Update to 1.10.0 (RHBZ #1508429) - Allow Symfony 3 * Sat Oct 07 2017 Shawn Iwinski - 1.9.0-1 - Update to 1.9.0 - Copy some remirepo modifications to make backporting easier: https://git.remirepo.net/cgit/rpms/php/jms/php-jms-serializer.git/commit/?id=a33673e63e7e85740df0b340eafb96c8682a084a * Sat Aug 12 2017 Shawn Iwinski - 1.8.1-1 - Update to 1.8.1 * Wed Jul 12 2017 Shawn Iwinski - 1.7.1-1 - Initial package