# spec file for php-horde-nag # # Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Remi Collet # License: CC-BY-SA # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ # # Please, preserve the changelog entries # %{!?pear_metadir: %global pear_metadir %{pear_phpdir}} %{!?__pear: %{expand: %%global __pear %{_bindir}/pear}} %global pear_name nag %global pear_channel pear.horde.org # TODO # Tests are not ready # config: provides one ? # "horde-nag" sub package with apache stuff Name: php-horde-nag Version: 4.1.3 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A web based task list manager Group: Development/Libraries License: GPLv2+ URL: http://www.horde.org/apps/nag Source0: http://%{pear_channel}/get/%{pear_name}-%{version}.tgz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: php-pear(PEAR) >= 1.7.0 BuildRequires: php-channel(%{pear_channel}) BuildRequires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Role) >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Test) >= 2.1.0 Requires(post): %{__pear} Requires(postun): %{__pear} Requires: php-pear(PEAR) >= 1.7.0 Requires: php(language) >= 5.3.0 Requires: php-date Requires: php-gettext Requires: php-json Requires: php-pcre Requires: php-session Requires: php-spl Requires: php-channel(%{pear_channel}) Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Role) >= 1.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/content) >= 2.0.3 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/content) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/horde) >= 5.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/horde) < 6.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Auth) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Auth) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Core) >= 2.6.1 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Core) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Data) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Data) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Date) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Date) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Date_Parser) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Date_Parser) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Exception) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Exception) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Form) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Form) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Group) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Group) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_History) >= 2.1.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_History) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Icalendar) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Icalendar) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Mail) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Mail) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Mime) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Mime) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Perms) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Perms) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Prefs) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Prefs) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Routes) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Routes) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Share) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Share) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Support) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Support) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Text_Filter) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Text_Filter) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Url) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Url) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Util) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_Util) < 3.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_View) >= 2.0.0 Requires: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/Horde_View) < 3.0.0 # Optional and implicitly required: Horde_Db Provides: php-pear(%{pear_channel}/%{pear_name}) = %{version} %description Nag is a web-based application built upon the Horde Application Framework which provides a simple, clean interface for managing online task lists (i.e., todo lists). It also includes strong integration with the other Horde applications and allows users to share task lists or enable light-weight project management. %prep %setup -q -c -T tar xif %{SOURCE0} cat <httpd.conf Deny from all EOF cd %{pear_name}-%{version} # Don't install .po and .pot files # Remove checksum for .mo, as we regenerate them sed -e '/%{pear_name}.po/d' \ -e '/htaccess/d' \ -e '/%{pear_name}.mo/s/md5sum=.*name=/name=/' \ ../package.xml >%{name}.xml %build cd %{pear_name}-%{version} # Regenerate the locales for po in $(find locale -name \*.po) do msgfmt $po -o $(dirname $po)/$(basename $po .po).mo done %install cd %{pear_name}-%{version} %{__pear} install --nodeps --packagingroot %{buildroot} %{name}.xml # Clean up unnecessary files rm -rf %{buildroot}%{pear_metadir}/.??* # Install XML package description mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pear_xmldir} install -pm 644 %{name}.xml %{buildroot}%{pear_xmldir} # Install Apache configuration install -Dpm 0644 ../httpd.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/%{name}.conf # Move configuration to /etc mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/horde mv %{buildroot}%{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/config \ %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/horde/%{pear_name} ln -s %{_sysconfdir}/horde/%{pear_name} %{buildroot}%{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/config # Locales for loc in locale/?? locale/??_?? do lang=$(basename $loc) echo "%%lang(${lang%_*}) %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/$loc" done | tee ../%{pear_name}.lang %post %{__pear} install --nodeps --soft --force --register-only \ %{pear_xmldir}/%{name}.xml >/dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then %{__pear} uninstall --nodeps --ignore-errors --register-only \ %{pear_channel}/%{pear_name} >/dev/null || : fi %files -f %{pear_name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{pear_docdir}/%{pear_name} %{pear_xmldir}/%{name}.xml %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/%{name}.conf %attr(0770,apache,apache) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/horde/%{pear_name} %attr(0640,apache,apache) %config %{_sysconfdir}/horde/%{pear_name}/*.dist %attr(0660,apache,apache) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/horde/%{pear_name}/*.php %attr(0660,apache,apache) %config %{_sysconfdir}/horde/%{pear_name}/*.xml %{pear_testdir}/%{pear_name} %{_bindir}/nag-convert-datatree-shares-to-sql %{_bindir}/nag-convert-sql-shares-to-sqlng %{_bindir}/nag-create-missing-add-histories-sql %{_bindir}/nag-import-vtodos %dir %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name} %dir %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/locale %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/*.php %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/app %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/config %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/js %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/lib %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/migration %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/tasklists %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/tasks %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/templates %{pear_hordedir}/%{pear_name}/themes %changelog * Tue Oct 29 2013 Remi Collet - 4.1.3-1 - Update to 4.1.3 * Tue Aug 27 2013 Remi Collet - 4.1.2-1 - Update to 4.1.2 * Wed Jul 17 2013 Remi Collet - 4.1.1-1 - Update to 4.1.1 * Wed Jun 05 2013 Remi Collet - 4.1.0-1 - Update to 4.1.0 * Fri May 31 2013 Remi Collet - 4.0.3-1 - Update to 4.0.3 - switch from Conflicts to Requires * Thu Jan 10 2013 Remi Collet - 4.0.2-1 - Update to 4.0.2 for remi repo * Tue Nov 27 2012 Remi Collet - 4.0.1-1 - Update to 4.0.1 for remi repo * Mon Nov 19 2012 Remi Collet - 4.0.0-2 - requires Horde_Routes * Sun Nov 18 2012 Remi Collet - 4.0.0-1 - Initial package