%global github_owner guzzle %global github_name streams %global github_version 1.1.0 %global github_commit cf0c8c33ca95cc147efba4c714f630ee44767180 %global composer_vendor guzzlehttp %global composer_project streams # "php": ">=5.4.0" %global php_min_ver 5.4.0 Name: php-%{composer_vendor}-%{composer_project} Version: %{github_version} Release: 2%{?github_release}%{?dist} Summary: Provides a simple abstraction over streams of data Group: Development/Libraries License: MIT URL: http://docs.guzzlephp.org/en/latest/streams.html Source0: https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{github_name}/archive/%{github_commit}/%{name}-%{github_version}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch # For tests: composer.json BuildRequires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-phpunit-PHPUnit # For tests: phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.1.0) BuildRequires: php-hash BuildRequires: php-spl # composer.json Requires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} # phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.1.0) Requires: php-hash Requires: php-spl Provides: php-composer(%{composer_vendor}/%{composer_project}) = %{version} %description Provides a simple abstraction over streams of data. This library is used in Guzzle and is an implementation of the proposed PSR-7 stream interface [1]. [1] https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/http-message.md#34-psrhttpstreaminterface %prep %setup -qn %{github_name}-%{github_commit} %build # Empty build section, nothing required %install mkdir -pm 0755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php/GuzzleHttp/Stream cp -pr src/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php/GuzzleHttp/Stream/ %check # Create autoloader mkdir vendor cat > vendor/autoload.php <<'AUTOLOAD' phpunit.xml %{_bindir}/phpunit --include-path="./src:./tests" -d date.timezone="UTC" %files %doc LICENSE README.rst composer.json %dir %{_datadir}/php/GuzzleHttp %{_datadir}/php/GuzzleHttp/Stream %changelog * Fri Jun 06 2014 Shawn Iwinski - 1.1.0-2 - Updated URL - Added php-composer(%%{composer_vendor}/%%{composer_project}) virtual provide * Fri May 23 2014 Shawn Iwinski - 1.1.0-1 - Initial package