# remirepo/fedora spec file for php-doctrine-persistence2 # # Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Remi Collet # License: CC-BY-SA # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ # # Please, preserve the changelog entries # %global bootstrap 0 %global gh_commit bac0f7fc16fc294e4c38b8763de21657dcf803f0 %global gh_short %(c=%{gh_commit}; echo ${c:0:7}) %global gh_owner doctrine %global gh_project persistence %global major 2 # packagist %global pk_vendor %{gh_owner} %global pk_project %{gh_project} # Namespace %global ns_vendor Doctrine %global ns_project Common %global ns_subproj Persistence %if %{bootstrap} %global with_tests 0%{?_with_tests:1} %else %global with_tests 0%{!?_without_tests:1} %endif Name: php-%{pk_vendor}-%{pk_project}%{major} Version: 2.2.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Doctrine Persistence abstractions License: MIT URL: https://github.com/%{gh_owner}/%{gh_project} Source0: %{name}-%{version}-%{gh_short}.tgz Source1: makesrc.sh BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: php-fedora-autoloader-devel %if %{with_tests} BuildRequires: php(language) >= 7.1 BuildRequires: php-reflection BuildRequires: php-pcre BuildRequires: php-spl # From composer.json # "composer/package-versions-deprecated": "^1.11", # "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.12", # "doctrine/coding-standard": "^6.0 || ^8.0", # "doctrine/common": "^3.0", # "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5.20 || ^8.0 || ^9.0", # "symfony/cache": "^4.4", # "vimeo/psalm": "^4.3.1" # remirepo:1 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 27 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 BuildRequires: (php-composer(doctrine/annotations) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/annotations) < 2) BuildRequires: (php-composer(doctrine/cache) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/cache) < 2) BuildRequires: (php-composer(doctrine/collections) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/collections) < 2) BuildRequires: (php-composer(doctrine/event-manager) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/event-manager) < 2) BuildRequires: (php-composer(doctrine/common) >= 3.0 with php-composer(doctrine/common) < 4) BuildRequires: (php-composer(symfony/cache) >= 4.4 with php-composer(symfony/cache) < 5) # remirepo:8 %else BuildRequires: php-doctrine-annotations >= 1.0 BuildRequires: php-doctrine-cache >= 1.0 BuildRequires: php-doctrine-collections >= 1.0 BuildRequires: php-doctrine-event-manager >= 1.0 BuildRequires: php-doctrine-common3 >= 3.0 BuildRequires: php-symfony4-cache >= 4.4 %endif %global phpunit %{_bindir}/phpunit9 BuildRequires: phpunit9 %endif # From composer.json # "php": "^7.1 || ^8.0" # "doctrine/annotations": "^1.0", # "doctrine/cache": "^1.0|^2.0", # "doctrine/collections": "^1.0", # "doctrine/event-manager": "^1.0", Requires: php(language) >= 7.1 # remirepo:1 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 27 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 Requires: (php-composer(doctrine/annotations) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/annotations) < 2) # ignore 2.0 for now Requires: (php-composer(doctrine/cache) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/cache) < 2) Requires: (php-composer(doctrine/collections) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/collections) < 2) Requires: (php-composer(doctrine/event-manager) >= 1.0 with php-composer(doctrine/event-manager) < 2) # remirepo:6 %else Requires: php-doctrine-annotations >= 1.0 Requires: php-doctrine-cache >= 1.0 Requires: php-doctrine-collections >= 1.0 Requires: php-doctrine-event-manager >= 1.0 %endif # From phpcompatinfo report for version 1.0.0 Requires: php-reflection Requires: php-pcre Requires: php-spl # Autoloader Requires: php-composer(fedora/autoloader) Provides: php-composer(%{pk_vendor}/%{pk_project}) = %{version} # Split off doctrine/common Conflicts: php-doctrine-common < 1:2.10 %description The Doctrine Persistence project is a set of shared interfaces and functionality that the different Doctrine object mappers share. Autoloader: %{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj}%{major}/autoload.php %prep %setup -q -n %{gh_project}-%{gh_commit} mv lib/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj} \ lib/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj}%{major} mv lib/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/%{ns_subproj} \ lib/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/%{ns_subproj}%{major} %build : Generate a simple autoloader %{_bindir}/phpab \ --output lib/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj}%{major}/autoload.php \ --template fedora \ lib/%{ns_vendor} cat << 'EOF' | tee -a lib/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj}%{major}/autoload.php // Dependencies \Fedora\Autoloader\Dependencies::required([ '%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/Annotations/autoload.php', '%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/Cache/autoload.php', '%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/Collections/autoload.php', '%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/EventManager/autoload.php', ]); EOF %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php cp -pr lib/%{ns_vendor} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor} %check %if %{with_tests} : Generate autoloader mkdir vendor %{_bindir}/phpab \ --output vendor/autoload.php \ --template fedora \ tests cat << 'EOF' | tee -a vendor/autoload.php require "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj}%{major}/autoload.php"; \Fedora\Autoloader\Dependencies::required([ '%{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/Common3/autoload.php', '%{_datadir}/php/Symfony4/Component/Cache/autoload.php', ]); EOF # we don't want PHPStan (which pull nette framework) find tests -type f -exec grep -q PHPStan {} \; -delete -print : Run test suite ret=0 for cmdarg in "php %{phpunit}" "php72 %{_bindir}/phpunit8" php73 php74 php80; do if which $cmdarg; then set $cmdarg $1 ${2:-%{_bindir}/phpunit9} \ --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php \ --verbose || ret=1 fi done exit $ret %else : Test suite disabled %endif %files %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc} %license LICENSE %doc *.md %doc composer.json %{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_project}/%{ns_subproj}%{major} %{_datadir}/php/%{ns_vendor}/%{ns_subproj}%{major} %changelog * Mon May 17 2021 Remi Collet - 2.2.0-1 - update to 2.2.0 - drop runtime dependency on doctrine/reflection - add build dependency on doctrine/common v3 - add build dependency on symfony/cache v4 * Mon Oct 26 2020 Remi Collet - 2.1.0-1 - update to 2.1.0 - switch to phpunit9 * Thu May 14 2020 Remi Collet - 2.0.0-1 - update to 2.0.0 - rename to php-doctrine-persistence2 - install in /usr/share/php/Doctrine/Persistence2 * Mon Mar 23 2020 Remi Collet - 1.3.7-1 - update to 1.3.7 (no change) - raise dependency on doctrine/reflection 1.2 * Fri Jan 17 2020 Remi Collet - 1.3.6-1 - update to 1.3.6 - raise dependency on doctrine/reflection 1.1 * Wed Jan 15 2020 Remi Collet - 1.3.5-1 - update to 1.3.5 * Fri Jan 10 2020 Remi Collet - 1.3.4-1 - update to 1.3.4 * Fri Dec 13 2019 Remi Collet - 1.3.3-1 - update to 1.3.3 * Fri Dec 13 2019 Remi Collet - 1.3.2-1 - update to 1.3.2 * Fri Dec 13 2019 Remi Collet - 1.3.1-1 - update to 1.3.1 - use new namespace Doctrine\Persistence and provide compatibility Doctrine\Common\Persistence * Wed Nov 13 2019 Remi Collet - 1.2.0-1 - update to 1.2.0 * Wed Apr 24 2019 Remi Collet - 1.1.1-1 - update to 1.1.1 * Thu Nov 22 2018 Remi Collet - 1.1.0-1 - update to 1.1.0 * Thu Oct 18 2018 Remi Collet - 1.0.1-1 - initial package, version 1.0.1